Three tune Tuesday and Lording it with Lourde

in music •  3 months ago


    @ablaze has been doing 3 tune Tuesday for quite a while and we love the idea of it and some of the posts @stickupmusic has been doing it but I though I would join in too. it is a great way to listen to new music which is always something we want to do!


    Our picks

    This week we are all about Lorde, I remember first hearing her and just being hooked as soon as I heard it. There is a simple perfection about what she is doing., No hiding behind big sounds, many of her songs are very simple. I don't listen to many musicians from New Zealand so it is nice they bought us this Royal singer. You can learn more about her here:

    Song 1

    Solar power is such a great and simple song. So bold and so simple but so powerful. Flawless production sounds and some great vocals. The harmonies are perfect as they always are. Now this song goes into like a classic 90's indie beat at the end. But to me this is such a well crafted song it borders on perfection, as a producer I always listen to songs thinking what would I change....we the answer on this song is err nothing!

    Song 2

    Green light is a much more of a pure modern pop song. Still delivered with a confidence and a style that is uniquely her own. "Thos great whites, they have big teeth" is a highlight lyric for me. Its an odd song this one in its construction but its house piano and classic build and then big back vocals and classic pop chorus makes it desirable and compelling. Put it on and dance around the house....

    Song 3

    Ten years ago I heard this and immediately listened to it again, and again, and again then I learned how to play it and sing it then we jammed it many times with all the SUB families and kids. This is such a good song and made that click sound much more popular. Again listen to the craft in this song both in the production, vocals and harmonies. It just works and there is again a stylish perfection that is perfect to my ears.

    We love all types of music and hope that you like our choices!

    Big up all the music in the world and the joy we get making and listening to it!

    Stick Up Boys

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