@ablaze has been doing 3 tune Tuesday for quite a while and we love the idea of it and some of the posts @stickupmusic has been doing it but I though I would join in too. it is a great way to listen to new music which is always something we want to do!
Our picks
This week we are all about the most annoying songs we can think of
Song 1
OK Big hit in the 80's with a dance to go with it.....played at every school disco and wedding for years with the dance to go with it.....I would not play it if I were you but if you do then you have to stand up and do a little dance. If you can post a video of you doing this it would make us laugh....
Song 2
Now a more modern annoying song, mixed with an 80's classic the Crazy Frog is definitely up there with the brain worm that destroys brain cells and if you listened to it enough you would officially turn into a zombie frog. Now I dare you to listen to it twice and come back to me tomorrow and tell me if it is still in your head.
Song 3
Now the third one is a massive hit and not a novelty song...but it annoys me so much, I mean I am not sure what I hate most, the song or the film? If you do actually like this song and think it is deep, meaningful and relevant it is fine if you stop following us and feel free to DV this post. Sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe and we believe this is one of the worst songs of all time.
We love all types of music and hope that you like our choices!
Big up all the music in the world and the joy we get making and listening to it!
Stick Up Boys