I Found a Thing! A Music Thing!

in music •  3 months ago

    Skari thumbnail.jpg

    The other night, I was minding my business and trying not to overthink. When I need to not think,' I usually turn to YouTube and mindless videos. Over the last few months, I have watched many people build log cabins out of wood with just an axe.

    At the time in question, I came across the title "This Should Actually Scare You." I decided to discover what was so scary and clicked on the video. I watched the first five minutes of the video and went off to Google the program Charlie was talking about.

    I ended up going down a huge rabbit hole.

    The site Suno.com allows you to use AI to create songs. Yup. You read that right.


    I, being me, wanted to see how this worked. I went to a folder on my desktop and grabbed some words from an old story I am still working on called Skari's World. Below is one of the versions the Suno program came up with.

    I was SHOCKED!!! And I loved it, so I spent three hours making more songs using the exact description words and tweaking tags to see what this program could all do.

    Steps of the River

    Once you make a song, another window opens where you can create a song using your own words.

    This time, I used the exact words from my story but had them use those I had written. Below is what happened.

    I loved it.
    It was a rush to hear the story I wrote put into song, plain and simple.

    Let's look at some Pros and cons of this program.

    ✸ You can hear your words in a song even if you do not know how to play an instrument.

    ✸ You get different vocals and music each time you make a song, even if all your tags are the same. This means you cannot if you like what you hear, want to change one word in the song. You will end up with a whole new song.

    ✸ The song is only one minute and fifty-eight seconds long. You can add another minute, but you will get two parts. You can splice those parts like I did below, but that also takes more time.

    ✸ You will lose three hours of your night once you click on the site!

    You get the idea.

    What do I really think about the program?

    It is a tool. A tool that still needs tons of work.
    I mostly see the program as something fun to play with now and then.

    I am not here to debate AI taking over someone's job. I AM a person who's REAL JOB got taken over by computers. I had to learn to adapt to the new world of computers. I did not like it. I hated it, in fact. Computers took a job I LOVED going to each day and killed it.

    Such is life. You learn to adapt. You learn how to use a computer and how to do your old job using the newest technology, or you don't. I had to feed my son, so I had no choice. I learned how to do my job on a computer to eat and sleep with a roof over my head.

    I have been where so many are today, and I survived. I didn't have a choice, and I didn't whine. I just did.

    Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you.


    Thank You @Dreemsteem for the cover art!!
    All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.

    *The Original story I wrote 6 years ago that I have been revising since can be found HERE

    Gif made by @Snook

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