in munchiemonday •  2 months ago

    I drove through central Washington today to pick up my dog, Murphy. He was staying with the ex while I was in Arizona visiting my folks last week. She has two dogs so he's happy to be here.

    I set up my camera to take a video of me arriving and opening the door, here's a snap from that.

    It was hilarious, 3 dogs going berzerk.

    So on the way up I pass by the Grand Coulee Dam. The dam is one of the largest concrete structures in the world, containing nearly 12 cubic yards of concrete. Grand Coulee the largest power station in the United States by capacity at 6,809 MW (megawatts)!


    Also, yesterday was #munchiemonday, and the weed store had a new brand of gummy.

    I took the photos last night with the intent to make a proper #munchiemonday post but, well, the munchies got in the way of that idea xD


    Anyhow, got some yummy silver in the mail yesterday and I have a feeling you are going to love it!

    See you soon with that and maybe something else, who knows!?


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