Brighter And Better Tomorrow

in motivation •  4 months ago

    It does not matter how rough the day may be or what may happen at the present, the truth is that there will always be the hope of the future getting better and brighter. It is the hopes of having a good future that makes you to put in the efforts that you put in the present. I mean, what else could explain the works that you do now if not for the hopes of getting rewards from them? When you have the hopes that things will get better in the future, no matter what you see today, it will not stop you from putting in extensive work today and you will not quit at the sight of challenges. Tomorrow will always be better.


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    The reason why people pass through the tunnels of life without giving up inside them is because of the hopes of seeing the light that at the end of them. A student that has their hopes of getting a good degree will do everything within their ability to see that they study hard to make it. As long as there is a reassurance of hope, then giving up ceases to be an option. One of the reasons why people give up or quit in life is because they do not see positivities coming out from what they do, which is a pure indication of lack of hope. Even if the day is not as you have intended, it should be worth living, and that is only the way to keep your hopes alive.

    It is true that you may have faced some challenges in the past and may have even done some unworthy things in the past, which you can neither edit nor correct, because the past is gone, but you still have the ability to set your future aright by taking the right actions today. How you act today and what you do in the present will determine how your tomorrow will turn out for you. If you give up in the now, you will not experience the kind of future that you have always desired. But if you continue with hope and keep putting in extra efforts, then a better future is guaranteed.

    I once made a statement to a friend some months back when she came to complain about how terrible life has been with her and I will also like to drop the same statement here for someone that might need it: "no matter how dark the night may be, with time, the dawn will come and the day will break." These words restored the hopes in her that things will definitely get better, because the darkest point that you witness in the night is the point that is already closest to the dawn of a new day. The challenges of this present time is nothing compared to the blessings that tomorrow will bring, so do not give up.


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    When a farmer is planting his seeds, the planting process is not always funny. In fact, it is marked with labour, hustles, and even challenges, but it does not stop the farmer from planting anyway. This is simply because of the hopes of harvest. Even when he does not have what to eat, he will still not touch his seeds because he knows that they will bring him fruits in the harvest season - this is the nature of hope. No matter what you have lost in the present or past, as long as you do not lose hope in life, then you have not lost everything. When hope is sustained, then success is inevitable.

    Anytime it seems like you are faced with a rough situation, just reassure yourself that things will get better. This will make you to keep going and you will not give up or throw in the towel. The truth is that it is never over until all hope is lost, but as long as there is hope, then any good thing can happen. Always remind yourself that life is worth living and you will live it well in order to secure the future. It is by not giving up today that you will qualify to feature in your desired future.

    Thanks for reading

    Peace on y'all

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