Be Committed To Your Priorities

in motivation •  2 months ago

    When I was in high school many years ago, one of our teachers made a statement during the course of our lesson which I still remember till now. He said "the difference between 'wants' and 'needs' is in your priority." At this point in time, a lot of things may be face-to-face with you seeking for your attention, but it is left for you to decide the one to focus on first. In order to achieve success in life, you need to be able to know the actions that you will favour over others; this is what priority entails. You cannot put your hands into everything at once and expect to maximise the result in all of them. This is why you need to prioritize.


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    Sometimes ago, I discovered that I usually took longer than necessary to complete tasks and it became a source of worry to me. After this happened for a while, I took out time to analyse why it has been so. After my analysis, I found out that I have been trying to do many things at the same time, which resulted in productivity being affected and time being wasted. I decided to prioritize my tasks and completed them one after the other. With that way, I maximized my time and had better results, and I also had more things achieved in lesser time. One of the reasons behind lack of productivity of a lot of people is that they try to do everything at once and end up not completing any.

    In order to set priorities that will benefit you, there are things that you need to understand and have handy. Firstly, you need to identify the very important things that you want to achieve. This will help you to know what to favour first. There may be something that, if attention is not given to promptly, it might lead to certain negative results. You do not have to leave it and then focus on what is not affected by the passage of time. It is when you have fulfilled the initial; the one that needs emergency attention or bound by time, that you will begin to consider the latter. Of course, you cannot leave the major to go and focus on the minor.

    The next step after identifying the very important tasks or goals, is to define them and clearly state them. This is why I normally make a list of what I want to do, starting with the most important to the least important, so that I will have something to guide my actions. After completing the first one, I will tick it and then go over to the next one. This method has helped me to stay on the right course. So to help you prioritize your activities well, you need to be able to state it clearly - if possible put it in writing. I have come to discover that the clearer your goals, the easier it will be to be achieved and it will also save you more time.


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    When you have set your list of tasks to accomplish and in the order that you want them to be achieved, then the next step is be focused and avoid distraction. Then start as soon as you have made the list of priority. If you do not start, there will be nothing to achieve and it will still compound it to the next time you would want to do it, thereby making it more difficult. When you do tasks as they are in the order of their urgency and importance, you will be able to effectively manage time and resources and know how to allocate time for them. In addition, you should try to stick to your priorities and learn to say "no" to anything that wants to distract you.

    Having your priorities set aright will reduce your stress level and will also help you to manage your energy level. When you know what you have to do, when you need to do it, and how it should be done, it will make it easier to be done. If you find it difficult to complete tasks, just try to set your priorities aright and you will discover how easy it will be to get it done.

    Thanks for reading

    Peace on y'all

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