It is already known that life is journey, but much more than that, life is also full of transitions - while some are planned, others are totally unexpected. For example; getting a new job, packing into a new city, going into a new relationship, choosing friends, going into a new phase of growth. It is worthy to note that, to an extent, transitions come with their own uncertainties, but you need motivation to be able to stay afloat without getting sunk in the demands of life. Of course, you need motivation to maintain your confidence, strength, and to stay on the right course during the transition phase of your life. Here, we shall take a look at some ways to stay motivated during the transitions of life.

The first point is to understand that change is a very integral and necessary part of life. In fact, change is part of what makes life worth living. You will agree with me that if life was to be void of change, it will be very boring and tiring. So you need to accept that change is very necessary. When you accept this, it will make you to stay motivated when transitioning to the next phase of your life. Instead of resisting change and end up putting yourself through some very intense stress and pressure, it will be better to welcome change as part of life. When change happens, no matter how it may look like, you still need to be able to focus on the good things in it. That is, instead of thinking about what you may lose, try to think more about what you stand to gain.
The next thing is to predefine what you want to gain from the transitioning. That is, set clear goals of what you want to achieve. One of the major banes of many people during the transition period of their life is that they feel uncertain or lost about what is happening and about life. If you do not know what you want to gain from something, the zeal to even pursue after it will be lacking. The goal may not necessarily be a long-term one, and may not even be something big. Even the little goal you set can make a very big difference; like updating your Curriculum Vitae in order to look for a good job. Or getting a skill in order to fit into the demands of your new job. Your goals are part of what keep you focused in life.
In addition to having clear goals, you also need to possess a positive mentality. How you think about the transition phase of your life will determine how it will affect you - either positively or negatively. When things happen, you have to maintain a positive mindset and do not allow negative things to get to your mind. Try to win the war from the mind and you will win it on the outside. More so, try to see the good things happening around you and then try to remind yourself that you have been able to navigate through changes in the past and succeeded at them, so you will still do it again. This will help you to keep a positive mind.
You should also try to build a good network of friends. The power of friends and well-wishers to support you through the transitioning period of your life is without question. Having someone who can hold your hands through the journey of life is a very underrated blessing. There may be a phase in your life that you are passing through, which someone else may have passed through in the past and succeeded at. With their help, support, mentorship, and guidance, you will able to succeed at it too. When you apply the tip and knowledge you get from them, you will also get the same kind of result.

The last point is to stay flexible at all times and be open-minded. Understand that life may not follow a particular path and may also not play out as you have predicted, which also makes transitions to take some twists that you may not have foreseen. Instead of being discouraged by the way things are happening outside what you have planned, try to be flexible and open-minded, and adapt to the changes and to new trends. Adaptation is one of the features of people who have succeeded in life. Things may not go the way you planned, but you can adapt, make changes and flow with the trend. It is not necessarily what has happened that affects you on a larger scale, but how you have responded to it. Remember to be open-minded to welcome change with a possibility mentality.
Thanks for reading