Becoming A Solution-Provider

in motivation •  3 months ago

    The easiest way to make impact in life is to provide solutions to the problems that are facing humankind. It is in providing solution that you will achieve success and of course, you will also grow. If you take a look at the people that have made so much name and fame in the recent past, you will discover that they are solution-providers. In fact, it is in the presence of problem that you should shine bright. If you are ready to help solve the challenges of humanity, then be ready for success. You do not even need to struggle to be known, just have what the world needs and you will be known. Just like I normally tell people; "your relevance in world is a function of the value you add."


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    One of the things I have understood about people is that they will always go after solution. Some people may not even like your face, but if you are the one to give answers to their questions, they will not have a choice than to seek after you. Even in your place of work for example, the more you become a solution-provider, the more they will value you, and it will increase your worth and relevance. Even if there is an event where they will lay some staff off, they will obviously not touch you. Of course, no employer would want to lose their most capable and best employee.

    Where I did my mandatory internship program when I was in school, I was put in a particular department as a relief staff as they normally did with interns. However, before then, I had already done my homework and researched extensively about the job. So in my very first week of the job, I did excellently well and even my director took notice of my productivity. In fact, by the end of the month, when they normally held the "staff of the month award," I was privileged to be nominated for it as an intern, which was the first time an intern would receive such honour.

    I stayed in the organisation for a couple of months as allocated by my school, and when I was about to leave, they did not wish that I should leave. In the words of my director, he said "you have been a blessing to this organisation." This is what adding value means. If you leave a place and your absence is not felt, then it can simply explain the fact that you did not utilise and maximise your presence as it should be. As long as you have what the world is looking for, they will continuously look for you. This is just in affirmation of the popular adage in this part of the world that says:

    The goat will always follow the one that is carrying the palm frond.

    The adage is neither about goat nor about palm. It figuratively means that the one that has solutions will always be sought after.

    It is worthy to note that in order to be a solution-provider, you have to have the solution with you. To do this, you need to learn to constantly and effectively work on developing and building up yourself. Trust me, you can only give the solution that you have. When you keep building up yourself, you will maintain relevance in this highly competitive world. Trust me, the world is becoming increasingly complex and competitive that you need something to give you an edge over your contemporaries. So when you develop yourself (intellectually, mentally, etc), you will be able provide the relevant solution to certain challenges.


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    You may not be able to have all the answers that the world requires, but in your own capacity, you have to do what you can. It may not be the size of what you have done that will matter but the promptness, relevance, and availability of the solution. For example, if someone that is hungry gets a quick response of just a casual food, it will be better than someone hoping for a delicious cuisine that may not arrive on time. Or maybe when someone is thirsty, a quick glass of water is far better than the hopes of champagne. So the solution that will be relevant has to be timely and available.

    Thanks for reading

    Peace on y'all

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