Getting Yourself Prepared For Greatness

in motivation •  2 months ago

    There are many people that are hoping for opportunities to come and meet them where they are, but the question is; how prepared are you for the opportunities? If what you are wishing for suddenly comes, can you handle it with your current capacity? Imagine someone wishing for a car to be gifted to him and eventually, it does, but he cannot drive neither does he know anything about cars. So tell me, how will he enjoy the car? This is why, for everything that you are expecting, there is a need for you to build up your capacity to handle it.


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    One of the things that is evenly and equally distributed to everyone irrespective of their status, tribe, background, etc, is time. However, it is what you do with your own that will justify your allocation. The many things you have been hoping for have actually been delivered to you, but you still have a responsibility to realise them yourself. In order to do this, you have to be prepared for what is coming. A lot of people have not gotten their desired dream, not because they lack opportunities but simply because they have not maximized the opportunity that they have already with them.

    I remember what happened, during my third year in the university some years ago. During the first semester break, a group of us decided to learn a particular skill. We were to be 10 but along the line, 3 people dropped and the 7 of us proceeded with it. The 3 that dropped told us that it was a waste of time learning that particular skill as we will not use it for anything meaningful. Well, we ignored the discouraging words and continued. It lasted about 1 month and by the time we were done, school was already resumed, so we went back to school. Adorably, something happened that still surprises me till today if I remember it.

    By the time school resumed, it was not long and there was a long strike that happened where government owned universities' lecturers did not go to school for almost 1 year because of their demand which was not granted. So this also resulted in students being at home for almost 1 year too. However, a particular company close to the school started recruiting and amazingly, they needed about 10 workers who posses exactly the same skills as we had learnt a few months before then. So the 7 of us that learnt it applied and were taken on the spot, whereas the 3 others regretted that they did not. We held the job for about a year until the strike was called off.

    The money we made from the job was enough to sustain us through the remaining period in school and we still had balance left. All these were possible because we were already prepared for the job. The other people who did not join us to learn, when the opportunity came, were not prepared and it passed them. This same thing happens in life on a daily basis. If you are not prepared for an opportunity, you will not know when it comes and even if you know, it will not profit you. This is why you have to prepare yourself for what you are hoping to get.


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    It is true that luck can meet people, but the greater truth is that it is better it meets you while you are already taking relevant actions, so that it will be worthwhile. Greatness happens to people that are prepared for it. I remember one of the interviews of Hussein Bolt that I watched after he became the Olympic gold medalist and fastest man alive. He revealed the kind of training he normally goes through everyday to prepare himself for any competition. It is not surprising that he has achieved so much as an athlete. While others are busy wishing for greatness, you need to build up yourself for it.

    To build up yourself for greatness, you need to focus on a lot of things; sharpen your mental acumen by gaining more knowledge through reading books, journals, research materials, etc. Then upgrade and update on your skills. Interact with people and gain experience from them. Look inwards to discover yourself and then keep working to get yourself better. Always remember that talent is not enough to achieve greatness, you need to put works and actions into it.

    Thanks for reading

    Peace on y'all

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