Developing A Mentality Of Growth

in motivation •  3 months ago

    A few months back, one of my friends started a retail business just opposite her house. However, each time you engage in discussion with her, she would never have anything positive to say about the business; it was always one form of complaint or the other. In fact, she did not see the business growing, as she simply started it to prevent the boredom of staying at home. So her mentality reflected on the way she handled the business with laxity and docility. Well, in less than six months, she was out of the business and returned back to staying at home again. This goes to prove that a lot of things are actually controlled by the way we think; our mentality. If you must grow, then you must possess a growth mindset.


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    Your mentality is what will determine how you approach situations in life. When something happens, it may directly affect more than one person, but at the end of the day, how they respond to the situation will determine the result they will get from it. However, how they respond to the situation is basically determined by their mentality and mindset towards what has happened. So for every result you get in life, instead of blaming something or someone else, first consider what your mentality towards life has been. Your mind is like a very fertile farm, but what you plant there is your mentality, which will determine what your actions will be, and will produce certain results in life.

    There are some mentalities you need to develop that will make for growth, and we consider them. The first one is a positive mentality. If you think that something is doable and possible, then it will become possible for you. In order to experience positivities in life, you need to have a positive thought towards life itself. If you think negatively, it will be true for you, but if you think positively, then you will experience positivities. This is the reason it is said that "you are how you think." That is, what becomes of you is a function of what you think.

    In addition to thinking positively, you have to also think solution, not focusing only on problems. If you think solution, then you have conditioned your mind over your situation. It is true that challenges will arise, which is also an expression of the fact that you are a human, so you need to keep thinking the solution. If you think negatively over an already negative situation, what do you want it to result to? But when you think towards positive line, it will encourage growth. Note that thinking is not the same thing as worrying. While you can think positively, worrying is negatively included - so know the difference.


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    Another mindset that encourages growth is the mindset that supports taking of risks. There is no way you can make a substantial achievement in life if you are not a person that is a risk-taker. If you do not condition your mind to take risks, then forget about growth. Just to let you know, no one will hand the good things of life to you on a platter, you have to grow into it. Risk is one of the ways to achieve this, but you have to condition your mind to take risks. I have come to realise that there are things that will only answer to you if you take risks, so you have to make it your mentality. However, before you take risks, you have to gather enough knowledge about the step you want to take and then take logical risks, so that it will not end up being a mere progression in futility.

    The last mentality to look at here, which you should have in order to achieve growth is to know how to deal with failure. You have to understand that failing does not place limitations on you nor on your ability, rather it should be seen as opportunity to experience growth. If you have this mentality, you will know how to welcome failure and then use it for your advantage. At least, there is still something to learn from it - like the experiences. Always bear in mind that your mentality has the power to influence and affect your life in diverse ways, so use your mind to your advantage.

    Thanks for reading

    Peace on y'all

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