Believing In Yourself; Backbone For Achieving Success

in motivation •  3 months ago

    In life, and over the years, I have understood that if you do not believe you can achieve something, you will end up not achieving it. Your belief in yourself is what spurs you to action, which will bring about the personal growth and development that you need. The first place that is attacked before victory is denied is the mind. But if you stand strong in your mind and refuse to doubt yourself and your abilities, then you can still achieve success. It is how you rate yourself on the inside that will manifest on the outside. As a matter of fact, your attitude and character will result from what you have in your inside. So if you must achieve greatness, then you should not stop believing in yourself to achieve it.


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    I remember the story of Ben Carson from one of his Biographies that I once read. While in junior school, he used to be backwards in his class performance. At the end of each term, his result would be way below average and it was a source of concern to both him and his mother. However, his mother kept telling him that he could do it, that he can emerge the top of his class; she never gave up on him. This made him to begin to look positively on himself and his abilities. He told himself that he can do it, then he worked it out. He started reading wide and even outside the school's curriculum just to keep himself abreast with what is happening.

    A day came when his teacher walked into the class and asked a random question. Surprisingly, no one in the class knew the answer, even the most brilliant of the students. But he knew the answer because he had already read it in a book the previous night, so he raised his hand to answer the question. The whole class laughed because they thought he would say something not coherent, because they knew his shortcomings academically. When he stood up to answer the question, he shocked the whole class and the teacher was amazed. He did well answering the question and the teacher was proud of him. This boosted his confidence in him and he believed in himself. This was the beginning of his success story, and he rose to become a foremost paediatric neurosurgery of his time.

    Believing in yourself makes you to develop confidence in yourself and also gives you assurance that you can achieve a particular thing. The truth is that everyone has some unique endowment which can also be seen as talent. But you have to believe in the skill first in order for it to profit you. You may not have what someone else has, but you certainly have what they do not have. You need to focus more on what is within you - that is what you have, in order for you to grow in self-confidence. The reason why you are facing a particular challenge or the people around you are passing through some problems is for you to unleash what is within you to proffer solution to them.


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    Instead of thinking that you are insufficient or that you are less capable to handle a particular situation, it is better you think of your inner strength. When you focus more on your inner strength, you tend to consolidate and improve more on it. It is true that there are times when things may happen to shake your belief in yourself, but you should not give in to it. If you allow anything to affect you negatively on the inside in a way that it will make you to think less of yourself, then it has already won the war against you. But if you do not allow it to defeat you on the inside, then it cannot defeat you on the outside.

    In order to keep and sustain your self-worth and self-belief, there are things you need to do. Firstly, you should mind the kind of thoughts that you permit in your mind. How you think will influence your worth and value for yourself, which will also determine how you act. If you do not want to experience certain things, then avoid the thoughts that will lead you to it. After considering your thought, the next thing is to be careful of the people you stay with. The people that always talk down on you and make you think inferior of yourself should not be your friend. So when choosing friends and acquaintances, do it with wisdom.

    Thanks for reading

    Peace on y'all

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