Give Yourself A Little Break

in motivation •  4 months ago

    The need of rest is so much that is cannot be overemphasized. One of the things that I have understood in life is that rest is not, and can never be optional. In fact, it is either you take it willingly or it comes by compulsion. It is weird to see that a lot of people do not even put rest as part of their agenda and it occupies no space in the list of their priorities. No wonder, in this recent times, we have seen a lot of people suffering from health-related issues that would have easily be avoided by resting. This is among the reasons why resting is important.


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    Funny enough to think that the world would suffer a bit if you take a few moments to rest. In fact, the world will not stop revolving whether you exist or not, so know when to take a rest. You will be surprised that the same work you are stressing your health for will easily replace you with a better alternative if you become ill. It is true that you should pursue after success, but not at the expense of your health. If you get the success and lose your health, how will you enjoy it? More so, that you rested does not mean that you will achieve your goal, rather it better positions you to achieve it

    It is worthy to note that the demands of this world is becoming so overwhelmingly increasingly daily, but so also is the need to rest. Trust me, the time you need to rest, even if you decide to work with it, you may not achieve anything worthwhile with it because you are already tired and the "law of diminishing return" may have already found its course. You will agree with me that the actions you take when you are physically and mentally tired may not achieve the required good result as the actions you take when you have taken some moments to rest. If you will observe, you will notice that decisions you make in the early hours of the day when you have not been stressed are always better than the later hours of the day when you are already drained.

    I remember a story I once read about a man that was so active in his work place that everyone would think that everything revolved around him. He focused less on himself and his health, while giving almost a 100% to his job. On countless times, he would finish late and sleep over at the office and still resume again the next morning. He lost touch of reality and many other things. Sadly, after a while of not resting, his body broke down and he was hospitalized. Just as you would guess, someone else was used to replace his position and the person was doing well that they did not even miss his absence. When one of his friends visited him in the hospital and was asked by him how the company was doing because of his absence, he told him that they have found a replacement.


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    The work that he literally sacrificed his entire being for, did not even wait for more than a day after he broke down to replace him. Sad reality. If you do not rest and anything happens to your health, someone else will take your place. So rest. Resting is like a due or debt you need to pay and it is always better to pay it willingly. No matter how strong you think you are, without rest, weakness will set in. But when you know when to rest and how to rest, you will keep recharging yourself to produce better results. Trust me, it is in your best and utmost interest that you take timely rest. Of course, it increases your productivity, and it also saves you from unnecessary health breakdowns that may cost something bigger - financially and otherwise.

    When you make rest as part of your priorities, you will discover how productive you will become. More so, you cannot cheat the law of nature. When your body needs rest and you do not give it to your body, it will tell on you, and the negative consequences may be more than you can imagine. Take prompt and good rest.

    Thanks for reading

    Peace on y'all

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