The Value Of Success Determines The Cost

in motivation •  17 days ago

    While growing up, there was this particular game that came out newly and I wanted to own it. Because of the value I had for it, I had to save up my lunch money for almost the whole term to be able to afford it. When I finally got it and I was sharing it with my tutor, he smiled and told me that the reason I was willing to pay that price and even sacrificed my lunch just to get it was because of the value I attached to it. This scenario taught me some very vital lessons about life - that the value you place on something (success in this context) will determine how much and the price you will be willing to pay to get it.


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    When you enter school and you make up your mind to get a good grade, maybe to even graduate with a minimum of 2.1, then you know you have to put in extensive work into studying your books and other relevant materials. It is when you have paid the required price for success that you will be able to attain success. These prices may not be convenient and may include sacrifices, determination, discipline, etc, but at the end, it will be worth it. Why some people do not achieve success is because they have not placed the required value on it, so they have not seen the need to pay the required price for it.

    If you do not have what you live for and what to expect in life, then you will not have what to commit your resources (energy, time, finances) towards. The higher the value you place on a particular thing, then the more the attached cost of procuring it. Take this instance: when you are given a choice to make between a Lamborghini and a Bicycle, you will definitely go for the Lambo because it is many times better and wortha more than the Bike. However, the price between both of them is also very far apart. To get the Lambo, you will be willing to pay so much more than you would paid for the Bicycle. This shows that price and worth are mutually inclusive.

    A friend of mine that is into Information Technology organised a free tutorial for some youths within the city to empower them on how to create wealth through ICT. Unbelievably, not too many people attended the event, and even those that attended, some of them were not serious. The next time, he organised a similar event, though with a different name, but he put out a price tag for attendees. Amazingly, people turned out and were serious to the lecture throughout the time it lasted. After that, he simply told me that the two events had similar content but the result of the second one, even from the participants, was far bigger than the former. The reason being that because the first one was free, people did not value it, but the paid event was valued more and delivered the required result.


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    You will agree with me that you will naturally be drawn towards what you value the most. In fact, your heart will be constantly channelled where your treasures are. More so, how you prepare for something that you value is different from how you prepare for what you place less value on. No one will deliver an outstandingly good success to you for doing nothing. If you want that level of success, then responsibility is on you to give your entire being to it; pay the required price and make the necessary sacrifices. Until you have placed value on what you want to achieve in life - your goal, you may never feel the need to pay the price to get it.

    When you create a dream, a goal or an idea, you need to attach a sense of importance, value and worth to it, so that it can drive you towards giving your best to it. The driving force towards accomplishing a particular task can be enhanced by attaching a sense of importance and priority to the task. Remember that it is what you put into making something work that will determine what you take out of it. To achieve success in what you do, you have to place value on it and then pay the required price.

    Thanks for reading

    Peace on y'all

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