Building Human Bridges: The Power Of Connection

in motivation •  3 months ago

    One of the things that I have understood in life is that, no matter what you have or the status your occupy, there is a phase of your life that you cannot access without the help of others. In fact, be it as it may, you cannot achieve a resounding and an excellent success alone, you must need people. This is why I believe that human connection can serve as the ladder you need to ascend higher in life. You will be surprised that the friendship of yesteryears may be what will give you the connection you need today. So any opportunity you have to connect with people should be maximized.


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    There was a time that I went to undertake a particular task in one government office some months back. The activities I came to do were so important for something very urgent and time was almost running out, but the crowd were so much. My number on the queue was so long and I needed to do it the same day. During the later hours of the evening, the officials told everyone to go and come back the next day that they were closed for the day. I stood there pondering on what to do, and just when I was about to lose hope, a man walked pass, who happened to be one of the top officials in the parastatal.

    Surprisingly, the man was someone I once helped many years ago. He saw me and recognized me and approached me. We exchanged pleasantries and he asked what I came to do. I explained the challenges I had, he smiled and told me that his office is actually responsible for undertaking the task that brought me there. He took me in and attended to me. In less than 20 minutes, when almost everyone had given up hope, I got my own done and the necessary documents signed the same day. I was overwhelmed with joy and while I was thanking him, he made a particular statement, he said "you did it for me many years ago, why should I not do it for you now?"

    The way you relate with people today might open up unimaginable doors for you tomorrow. There are opportunities that can easily drop on you if you relate with people well. Trust me, you need people. You may not be able to offer material things at your level, but there is still something that you have that can be used to help someone today. The help you give to someone today can serve as a connection tomorrow. A lot of people have met their destiny helpers by simply being good and kind. That someone is in need of help today does not mean that they cannot become a helper tomorrow.

    There was a particular man in the neighbourhood I grew up. This man became so rich from selling motor spare parts that everyone within the neighbourhood felt his impact. But there was this young boy that he took interest in and was helping and teaching him his line of business. In fact, he helped him set up his shop and even gifted him a mini truck for deliveries. When he was asked what his interest in the young boy was, he explained how the boy's father helped him when he was an apprentice. The father was long gone, but his acts of goodness built the bridge for his son. Imagine if he had been cruel to the guy when he was an apprentice, it would have negatively impacted on the son.

    The friendship you build today is like a bridge you erect from the present to the future, which may be regarded as "connection" someday.


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    One of my mentors, a few years back, said that "when you are making friends, do not think that they are the only beneficiary of the friendship, you will benefit from it someday. This is why you have to be conscious and intentional about the friends you make, so that you will not be gathering stones when you should gather gems." Friendship is like a human capital investment you make in the present for your future, so be mindful of the kind of friends you make. Remember that your friends can either connect you to good things or disconnect you, so be wise about it.

    Thanks for reading

    Peace on y'all

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