The Power Of Your Decision

in motivation •  4 months ago

    A lot of people do not know that the decisions they take today have the unquestionable power to affect, not just their present, but their future in ways that cannot be quantified. In fact, there is no step you take today that will not come back as results tomorrow. This is why you have to be mindful and careful of the decisions you take because they will go a long way to shape your tomorrow. Each time you are faced with a choice to make, it is an opportunity to sow a seed, which will have a multiplier effect in the not-so-distant future. So take positive decisions.


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    If you cast a stone into a pool of water for example, you will observe a ripple effect it creates from the center of where you have thrown it, and then goes even further. This is exactly what happens when you take a decision - the effect will be amplified more then what you have done. It is worthy to note that there is no decision that is without obvious and potential consequences (either positive or negative), and can also affect the course of your life. They are like sowing a seed which will have the propensity to become fruits at later times.

    You may not be able to determine what tomorrow may hold for you, but you can take some decisions and undertake some actions today that can make all the difference you need. What you should understand is that having a great tomorrow does not happen by absolute chance, they respond to the decisions you have made - decisions to act or not to act, what to do and not to do, how to do it, etc. Of course, as much as your actions carry effects, so also are your inactions not without effects too. What you want in your life will determine the kind of actions and decisions you should take.

    The decision you take should propel you towards growth, development, and progress. If it is not, then you are not taking the right decision. Every step that you take should set you on the right course of life and should also put you on the pathway of becoming who you are destined to be. If you will not welcome the destination that your step will take you to, then it is unwise to take the step in the first place. This is just like saying that you do not want to get drenched in water but you are playing in the rain. If you do not want your clothes to get wet, then avoid playing in water. Similarly in life, if you will not welcome a result, then avoid the process.

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    When you wake up in the morning, there will be choices that will be set before you to make, and some of them will set the pace for the outcome of the entire day. What you do in the early hours of the day will determine how the subsequent hours of the day (from morning to evening) will be. The reason why people take steps and perform actions is because of the results that they are hoping to get. If you want a good and positive result from life, then you have to put in positive actions into life. Life functions in an input-ouput format. That is, you get what you have put in - just like the computer term GIGO (garbage in garbage out). You cannot do nothing and expect life to deliver success to you. If you want success, then you have to prove it by taking relevant steps.

    It is worth noting that the effects of the decisions you make may go beyond you as an individual and may even affect the people around you and the rest of the world by extension. So before you take an action or proceed with a step, you have to look beyond the effect on yourself alone and consider the impact that will be felt by others because of your actions. You may have a choice of the decisions to make, actions to undertake, steps to take, things to do and not to do, but you do not have a choice of the effects and consequences, so be careful of your decisions. Always remember that positivities and negativities lie in the power of your decisions.

    Thanks for reading

    Peace on y'all

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