Important Life Choices [Part 2/3]

in motivation •  4 months ago

    Choices may look so easy but the effects and consequences are not as easy as they appear. You can exercise your free will to make choices, but after that, then you have to welcome their results. This is why you need to make wholesome and good life choices that will place you on the right part of life. In our first episode, we saw some of the life choices that one has to make and how they affect an individual both in the present and the future. Here, we shall continue in the exploration of the good choices in life that one has to make in order to make them who they are.


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    The first choice we will look at here is the choice of time management. The truth is that everyone's allocation of time is equal, but what you do with your own is your absolute choice. When others may be whiling away their time, you can invest your own in the things that are worthwhile so as to create your desired future. Time should be seen as an asset and if it is so, then you need to learn to invest it. By investing time, I mean using your time to do things that are worthwhile and then getting the positive effects of it. Even when you have a lot of things to do, you have to learn to prioritize them, so as to make good use of your time.

    It is worthy to note that the time you waste on doing things that are not worthwhile can never be gotten back again. If it is gone, then it might be gone for good. Do not just sit and wait for the supposed right time to take an action towards your dreams or goals, create the time and take the actions immediately. Opportunities and time are two mutually related events. That is, you take advantage of time in order to maximize opportunities. You may not even be too privileged as it were, but by taking appropriate use of your time and managing it well, you can achieve your desired breakthrough.

    The next choice to make is the choice relating to financial management. This is a very vital choice which encompasses a lot of other things. For example, it includes choice of investment, choice of savings, spendings, etc. When we talk about investment under the choice of financial management, we talk about business ventures, or where you put in money or other assets in order to get profits. Trust me, the world is already becoming financially demanding as the days go by, so you need extra income in order to make a headway and survive.

    When you are also spending, there are choices you have to make. That something appeals to you does not mean that you should buy it if you are not prepared for it. This is where budgeting comes into play. When you have set your financial budget and abide by it, it will prevent impulse spendings, it also prevents wrong or untimely spendings. If what you want to buy is not in your priority list, then you need to reconsider. That is, you have to choose to go for your needs first, then you can continue with your wants. If you spend on your wants and leave your needs, you will get the consequences.


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    Still on the choice of financial management, you have to also save from your income. Trust me, you may not know when financial challenges will face you, but by having savings, you will have something to fall back on. More so, it is from the monies that you have saved that you can have what to invest and spend. So you have to make the choice of saving and do so dedicatedly.

    The next choice to make is the choice of Health and Lifestyle. There are some lifestyles that people engage in that harm their health but they still go ahead and do it without knowing the kind of health implications they are exposing themselves to. You have to take care of your health because it is the bases on which all the other choices rest on. What is the point of having other things (like material things, etc) with a failed health? This is why you have to make a choice of the lifestyles to keep you health. Go for regular and timely checkups, do not abuse substances, avoid harmful things, etc. When you do all these, then you will keep your body healthy.

    Thanks for reading

    Peace on y'all

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