Fear of Failing or Fear of Not Trying

in motivation •  3 months ago

    A lot of people have so much lived with the fear of failing that they end up not trying anything at all. They tend to forget that the fear of not trying is actually worse and carries a greater negative impact than failing. For the fact that you failed in an attempt shows that you have indeed tried and made an attempt. With that attempt being made, the next attempt might just be what will bring the breakthrough. Of course, you will not be trying as a novice but with the knowledge and experience you had gathered from the first attempt. Do not allow the fear of failure to make you not to take steps.


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    It is true that a lot of people are usually scared of doing something new - something that they have not tried before, but even at that, you should not conclude that the attempt will not be fruitful until you have tried. Trust me, there are times that the seemingly difficult task you think may not be as difficult when you have made an attempt towards it. In fact, some of these difficulties just reside in your mentality. If you can overcome the fear from your mind, then you can attempt anything. More so, the more you try out a thing, the easier it will become. You may think that you will not know the outcome of the step you are about to take, but it should not stop you from taking it nonetheless.

    It is worthy to note that a lot of things in life and even success answers to the level of risks that you are willing to take. Trust me, if you take a step towards your dream or an idea, you have chances of succeeding at it, but if you do not take any step at all, you have automatically failed at it without trying. This is why it is better to take that risk even if you do not hit the mark at the first, it will still give you a good experience for your subsequent steps. Each time you want to take an action and fear tries to arise in your mind - like the fear of failure, just remind yourself that it is part of the learning process, and you can still succeed at it.

    Some of the things that people are scared of are so easy but their fears have beclouded their sense of judgement that they perceive the action as undoable. I remember a time, many years ago, that I wanted to write a particular professional exam. I suddenly became so scared of the exam that I had to keep postponing it. Coupled with the fact that the registration fee for the exam was very high, and failing it would mean losing a lot of money.

    I nursed the fear for long and was almost stagnated in my career because I needed the exam to proceed. A day came that I took the bold step and scheduled for the exam. I had convinced myself that I was going to pass it, so I studied extensively for it. The exam day came and I entered confidently into the hall and everything was so easy. I wrote the exam with ease and when the result came out, I passed excellently well and I moved forward in my career. If I had allowed fear to deny me of writing the exam, I would have missed out of something beautiful. Fear can keep someone on one spot if you allow it. But if you make the attempt to take a step, you will see how your fears will vanish.


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    However, there are things that you need to have handy with, so as to help you break off from fear. The most important one is to keep going for knowledge. Remember the story of the exam I told you? I gained confidence to write the exam because I had studied extensively for it and gained knowledge about what to expect. An increase in knowledge automatically leads to a decrease in the level of fear. This is because most fears are associated with the unknown. But the more you know, the freer you become from fear.

    More so, knowledge will also enable you to take more logical steps than just making a move simply because you feel like taking actions. Remember that the idea is not just to take actions but to also have the result in view. That is, you need to focus on the result you want to obtain while taking the step. So in order to make more logical and result-oriented step, you need to keep knowing more.

    Thanks for reading

    Peace on y'all

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