Important Life Choices [Part 1]

in motivation •  4 months ago

    Everyone may be given a freewill of the choices to make but one thing to note is that the choices you make today will not only make your tomorrow but will make you who you are. This is why you have to be mindful of the kind of choices that you make. There is no step that you take nor choice that you make that will not come with its effects and consequences. If you want right things to happen to you, then you need to make the right choices. Here, we shall be looking at the important choices that one needs to make in life.


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    The first, and obviously a very important choice that one has to make in life is the choice of career path. This includes, but not limited to, choosing a profession, acquiring skills, setting of goals, personal interests, etc. Trust me, when you get it right with this choice, a whole lot of other things will fall into place naturally. You will be surprised how a lot of people are suffering simply because they made a wrong choice of career. I remember when one of my friends, whose parents were barristers, was made to study law to take after them.

    The guy was not even art-inclined, but they had to make him do what he never intended to. They got him admission to study law in one of the choicest universities in the country which others are wishing for, but it also opened him up to intense difficulties. From the first semester, he did not find his foot. He had a lot of carryovers into the second semester, and by his second year, he was already fed-up of the course. He had always loved to be an engineer but he was forced to make a wrong choice of career, and he faced the consequences severely.

    The difficultly continued until he finally decided to advise himself to start afresh and pursue a career in engineering. He did and he started to experience ease. It was like he wasted two years of his life by going after a wrong choice of profession, but when he got it right, he enjoyed breakthrough. You should know that someone else may be doing good in a particular profession does not mean that you should go after it if it is not your passion.

    The next choice you have to make is the choice of relationships and friendship. Who you relate with, and who who you hang around with will determine what will eventually become of your life. One of the things you need to know about friendship is that your friends do not leave you the same way as they met you - they either add to you in a positive way or they do it negatively. You may have a choice of the kind of friends that you want to be with, but the effects of the friendship are beyond your choice. Friendship is a very great thing if you choose them wisely, but it can also be someone's bane if they make the wrong choice. So choose your friends wisely.


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    The next and final life's choice that we will look at here is the choice of location. It is worthy to note that a lot of the things that happen to an individual can be traced directly or remotely to their location. Your allocation can be greatly altered by your location and what comes to you can be influenced by where you are. If you are into farming for example, you will know that there are some soils that will be good for a particular crop but not for another. This is where location comes in. The choice of location is very important to an individual that they need to know where to be at any point in time. Even when situating your business, you have to be able to ask yourself the "where" question and answer it accurately.

    When you are in the right location for your life, struggles will be averted. If a fish tries to stay outside the water for long, it will struggle in futility, but if it remains inside the water, it will experience ease. In the same way in life, making the choice of the right location will simplify a whole lot of things in your life. When you are making a choice of location or deciding where you will live, you have to consider some important factors like opportunities, job types, climate, etc. These will enable you to make the right location choice.

    Thanks for reading

    Peace on y'all

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