Do Not Live In Helplessness, Learn To Ask For Help

in motivation •  2 months ago

    A lot of people have seen their life as something that they should take full responsibility for, and they have taken it to a whole level by trying to get everything done by themselves without asking for help. Well, just to let you know, that you asked for someone to assist you when you need it the most does not mean that you are not taking responsibility for your life, it can also be a way to assume more and better responsibilities. Do not allow yourself to be boxed inside a corner before you learn how to ask. The truth is that there are things that you will never be able to get if you do not ask for it, so ask.


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    One of the passages from the Holy Book expressly explains the fact that you need to ask so that you will be able to receive. It also went further to say that why you do not receive is simply because you have not deemed it fit to ask. I know some may think that they are meant to be independent and take full control of their lives. It is, however, worth noting that you cannot achieve everything that you have ever desired by your single input alone. There are points that you will get in life and you will realise how limited you will be if you keep acting alone.

    I remember a time, a long time ago, when I needed a way forward in one particular idea I was nursing. Not just that, I also needed some financial assistance to fund the idea and on my own, I was able to raise half of the needed fund. All attempts to hustle up the remaining half seemed unforthcoming. When I was beginning to lose hope, I decided to ask a friend of mine who I had known from childhood. When I asked him, to my surprise, he provided me with the way forward in the idea and he also went further to provide the remaining half of the funds. In his words he said "I thought you never needed help." You see, he did not know that I needed his assistance until I asked.

    It is worth noting that asking is not only limited to finances, material things and the likes, you can also ask for directions, advice, counsel, etc. Another thing to note is that asking is not a show of weakness if you ask for the right reasons. In the same way, that you do not even ask does not show strength. When you come to a crossroad in life, a simple asking might be all it will take to show you directions. Some people have missed it in life because they do not feel the need to seek for direction and assistance when they come to a crossroad in life. There are lots of people that have successfully gone through the road that you are currently enroute to; nothing stops you from asking them for directions. What would have taken you years to figure out can be taught you in a matter of minutes, but that is if you ask for it.


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    Do not assume that people will know that you need a certain assistance or help, you are the one to communicate your desires to them. However, there are things that you need to understand about asking. The first one is that the reason why you are asking holds more importance than the act itself. This is why you have to have a genuine and sincere need to ask, most importantly; a desire to assume more responsibilities. The second one is that you should employ the used of wisdom and discretion while asking. Even if your reasons are genuine, there is how you will ask and it will be rejected, so take note.

    The next point is to consider timing as a factor while asking. If your boss is angry with your attitude to work on a particular day and you decide to ask him for a casual leave on the same day that his is angry with you, what do you think he will respond to you? In fact, the request for some days off might just lead to outright relief of duty. But if you ask on the day that he is very impressed with your discharge of duty, it will stand a high chance of being granted. So you need to ask when the time will favour you. The right time has already given you the required edge to ask.

    I remember a time when one of my friends treated me to my favourite cuisine. In fact, the way she prepared the food and brought it was amazing. After I had eaten and was impressed, I was already happy with her and she knew it. Then she slipped in her request of a favour she wanted me to do for her. I did not have any difficulty with doing it because I was already pleased with her. This same scenario can apply in other things. It is easier to have your request done from someone that you already have a good standing with. This is one of the reasons why you have to endeavour to build good relationships and friendship with people.

    One last thing to know is that having your request rejected, or getting a "no," does not mean that your world has come to an end. A lot of people have gotten more "nos" in life than you can imagine before getting their first "yes." More so, sometimes, a "no" might not imply an outright rejection but may be a call to exercise patience or to try again later. So just to let you know; opportunities are so numerous to allow yourself to be tied down by one response of "no."

    Thanks for reading

    Peace on y'all

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