Quest For Constant Improvement

in motivation •  2 months ago

    In life, you have to understand that success is neither a destination nor considered an absolute attainment, but it is a continuous and constant adventure in improving oneself. Trying to become a better version of yourself is the basis for success in life. In order to achieve this, you have to understand that there will always be room to get better and to improve. It does not matter what you have achieved in life, one thing to understand is that there is still infinite possibilities of achieving even more and getting better. A point should not come in your life when you will beat your chest and say "I have arrived," and stop making attempts to be better. Otherwise, what you thought was success might begin to lose validity. One way to preserve success is by making continuous efforts to improve on the success.


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    When you condition your mind to be open to constant upgrading and improvement, you will come to realise the unimaginable abilities that lie within you. In fact, you have the capacity to get better daily, but it is also a function of what you have conditioned your mind to believe. You need to be open-minded about life to embrace the infinite possibilities that are in life. As you get better, the idea is not to stop but to keep working to get even better. Your today will be said to be successful only if you have improved on your yesterday. If you still remain at the same spot that you were 10 years ago, then something is wrong.

    Imagine someone that wanted to be a lawyer by profession, then after graduation from primary school, because he graduated with the best result, he refused to further his education and kept basking in the glory of the past achievement. But what he does not know is that if he ends his education at the primary level without proceeding to secondary and university, he will never become a lawyer by profession. This happens in many other aspects of life. If you settle at the first point of success without working to improve it, then you have limited yourself from accessing the successes that lie in the future. What you have achieved today is not for you to relax nor is it a call for laxity, but it should provide a platform for you to get better.

    To make constant progress in life, you have to learn to reflect on yourself and also on what you have achieved, then see them as a passage, not as a destination. In addition to this, also reflect on your strengths - what you can do to consolidate on them, then also on your weaknesses - what you can do to salvage them. Of course, failure can also give you an idea and insight on what you are not doing well, so that you can improve on it and become better. There was a particular exam that one of my friends wrote many years ago. Even though he was tops, but there was a subject he did not do well. However, the cumulative from the other courses made him to scale through and emerged the tops. But by reflection on the result, he discovered that he should work on that course and make it in it too. This gave him the insight on what to do. He devoted more of his study time to that course and he balanced up in it.

    When you achieve success, it is good to celebrate it, but after that, what next? You should not dwell much on the glory that surrounds the achievement that you lose sight on where you are going to. A lot of people have been grounded by success than by failure itself. That is, after they have achieved success, they tend to relax, while the other person that had failed at the attempt would have worked on themself, tried again, succeeded and still keep making progress. Do not allow a sense of accomplishment to set in or to have an "arrival mentality" when you hit your target in life. Always remember that there are more targets to be set and achieved in life.


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    A friend once said that it is easier to succeed than to remain successful. That you have gotten what you have been looking for does not mean you should relax, rather it means you should still be putting in your best towards life. What you do when you have gotten to a phase of life will determine what becomes of the other phases. If you are traveling to a destination on flight and there is a stopover at a particular place, will you pack your bags and leave the airport thinking you have arrived? If you do, you will be stranded. What you will do is to continue on the journey until you have gotten to where you are going to. The same thing is applicable to life - when you attain a height, do not feel you have arrived, always seek to keep getting better because there are more things to be achieved than you have achieved.

    Thanks for reading

    Peace on y'all

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