In the Journey of Life, The Process Matters

in motivation •  3 months ago

    It is agreeable that life is likened to a Journey, however, a lot of people only get their mind fixed on the destination while they care less about the Journey itself. It is true that, as humans, it is natural to have our dominant attention focused on the destination that we want to attain, but one thing that you should not overlook is the process - which is like the Journey to the destination. Of course, if you get the Journey wrong, then you cannot arrive at the right destination. This is why you have to keep your mind on the process that will lead you to the desired destination. It is by following the process that you will appreciate the destination.


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    It is very common that when you have kept your mind focused on the destination, it will distract you from seeing the beauty of the journey. When you rush through life, setting new goals and achieving them without taking out time to appreciate the very moments that led you to achieving the goals, it may weaken you at the end. Trust me, life is not all about being on the fast-lane to hit your target, there are other things you need to appreciate in life - like the methods, processes, Journey, etc. When you appreciate these things, then you will tend to value your destination well. I remember what a friend once told me that he prefers to build his house instead of just buying it, because there is a joy he derives from seeing the house grow from the foundation level. This is his own way of appreciating the journey that will lead to the destination.

    In order to fully appreciate the journey, there are many things you need to have handy with. The first one is that you need to be present in the moment. To get to what you are looking for, you have to learn to appreciate what you have and where you are at the moment. Being present in the moment means to find beauty and joy in the very little and seemingly ordinary things of life. There are things that people may overlook as being too normal or mundane, but are part of what makes life beautiful and adorable.

    By being present in the moment, you tend to build up the required resilience to welcome the challenges that will come your way. You need to understand that challenges are very important part of life's journey which you cannot avoid, nor stop, but you can only brace up yourself to welcome and face it. To face the challenges of the moment, you have to be present in the moment, and this will set the pace for the future. The present is the passage to where the future is birthed. The truth is that if you cannot appreciate the moment, you may not be able to appreciate the destination when you get there. There is a sense of fulfillment that comes with realizing that you have secured the moment by being present in it, then you are looking forward to what the future holds.


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    It is worthy to note that there are things in life that you may not appreciate if you are to be gifted the thing, but if you grow into it, you will learn to appreciate and use it better. Take for example; if someone gifts you a university degree, you may not know what to do with it and it may not be fully appreciated. But if you pass through the various stages and phases of the school system; from primary to secondary, then going into university to acquire the degree, you will appreciate it more. This is exactly what it means to appreciate the journey and not just the destination. You do not have to count from top to bottom, but it has to be the other way round. In life, many of the things that people lay less emphasis on are what hold the basic value of living.

    In addition to being present in the moment in order to appreciate the journey, you also need a sense of curiosity, adventure, and mentality of exploration. It is true that life is full of infinite opportunities, but you need to to be ready to accept the opportunities as they come. To be very honest, opportunities may not look like something great on the outside, and may look like oppositions or challenges, but you need to carry a mentality of open-mindedness and learn to face things one moment at a time to be able to maximise the present.

    Thanks for reading

    Peace on y'all

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