Application Of Instruction Brings Profit

in motivation •  last month

    There are some heights that you may never be able to attain and some breakthroughs that you may not see until you have followed the paths of the people that have achieved similar things. To follow that, you need to be attentive to instructors and follow them. What took them a lot of time to know can be passed on to you in form of instructions within minutes and they will bring unimaginable profits to you. The only thing you need to do is to welcome and apply the instructions and you will get the same result that the person has already seen.


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    One thing you should understand is that you do not know it all. That is, there are things to still be known and where you still need to get to. However, it you are left to figure all these alone, it might take you a lifetime time and even at that, you may still end up being limited. The wise thing to do is to follow the footsteps of the people with proven results in the area that you are expecting to have the achievement; do what they did and nothing will stop you from achieving the same thing as they did. I remember what my Grandpa normally said to us when we were younger and normally visited the village, he used to say:

    One of the best secrets of success is to hold fast of instructions.

    This may look like a simple sentence but it means a lot if you look deeply into it. For everything you want to achieve, the truth remains that there is already someone that has gained mastery in it. So to make it easier to be achieved, you just need to align with them and then follow their instructions. You have to know that instructions may not be palatable, in fact they may not be convenient at that time, but it is what will hold the key to your achievement. You do not choose the instructions yourself, you only receive them and they should be total or you may not enjoy the full benefits.

    It is not just by welcoming instructions that you will achieve greatness, you also need to apply them so as to see the result. In more cases than none, it is not only what you know that brings you the desired result that you seek, but what you have acted with what you know, how you have followed the principles guiding it, and how you have related it to the real world. So it does not stop at receiving instructions but what you do with the instructions that you have received. The person that receives instructions and do not do anything with them is just like the person that was not instructed at all.

    In order to receive instructions, you have to also receive the person that is passing it to you. Trust me, the teacher you do not receive cannot impact you. In order for the teacher to instruct you and for it to make impact on you, then you must value them. You may not like their character, but it is not a point for moral policing. After all, you want what they have, now who they are. They may not even hold the same school of thought or religion as you, but if they have what you want, then you have to bend your head and take instructions. Your future is more important than missing it due to some non-tenable reasons.


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    In order to see far in life, then you have to mount on the shoulders of the people that have gone very far in life. One word of instruction from them can turn your life around. I remember in my former place of work where I did my Internship, there was this particular challenge I had with a machine I was supposed to operate. It did not turn on even after I did what I thought I knew how to do. When I got almost tired of trying, I asked my supervisor for instructions and just to my amazement, he pointed out to one button that I should press and hold for 5 seconds. Seemingly simple instructions, but when I held the button, the system of machines resetted and they came on. If I had not sought for instructions, I would have spent the whole day in futility without starting it. If you want to succeed in life, just know that you need the input of the people that have succeeded. Follow their steps and get the same result.

    Thanks for reading

    Peace on y'all

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