"Finance is a double-edged sword, where borrowing money can build bridges to opportunity, but if wielded carelessly, it becomes a pathway to the treacherous depths of debt."

in money •  5 months ago

    I love the way crypto platforms/banks give you the opportunity to earn an interest if you deposit funds to the platform. But, have you ever thought about how they are able to let you earn an interest? They earn by letting others borrow the funds I depost, very much like banks. The only difference is that they operate with 100% reserves, meaning that if everyone should withdraw their funds at once, they will still be able to arrange with it, much different from modern day banking in which only a very low percentage of funds are available. That is why we regularly hear about bank-runs, in which national banks get in trouble as people suddenly decide to withdraw lots of money from the same bank... they realize that the bank doesn't have the money that the customers once deposited.

    So, it is in many ways safer to deposit to crypto services (even though we have seen gigantic failures as well such as with FTX). But, let me return to the quote.


    "Finance is a double-edged sword, where borrowing money can build bridges to opportunity, but if wielded carelessly, it becomes a pathway to the treacherous depths of debt."

    Sometimes, getting a loan will give you the chance to take an opportunity that you wouldn't have been able to take unless you could borrow money. That is fantastic, and many successful businesses are alive and operating with big profit today, because they got a loan yesterday.

    But, we need to handle borrowing money wisely, because it is a double-edged sword. On the other side, it can make you a slave, and instead of making dreams come to, it can be the killer of dreams because you have to use all your energy at paying back the loan, instead of doing what you dream of actually doing.

    Spend wisely, borrow wisely, and good luck!

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