Living in the illusion after being aware it's an illusion

in mindfulness •  5 months ago

    There's a point in life where i think everyone realizes that there's nothing absolutely true and that most people act just out of convenience. You lose the sense of stability that you obtained from believing in society and you understand what the idea of illusion meant. All is passing, all is changing, nothing really matters. Few people are willing to stand up for their truth till the bitter end, so social values have little actual value.

    Once you've tasted the bitterness of disappointment it's time to make a decision: either you resent the world or you embrace it. You must also decide if you will stay with the flock in the world of convenience or if you will work on your personal truth, if you will be what you wanted the world to be.

    It can be hard to commit to your own truth. It is a lonely path, filled with inner contradictions and much opposition from a world that has no problem with walking towards the abyss, while scrolling on Instagram and eating junk food.

    But here you are, opening your eyes and trying to stay sane, despite everything looking more and more like a nightmare.

    Don't worry, the feeling will pass... Or you'll get used to it, i can't say for sure. Once you see that the nightmare is going nowhere you can start to experiment with it, you can be a child once more playing around with the possibilities.

    I am not spiritual. You are not spiritual.

    We are Spirit.

    This doesn't need approval. It doesn't need validation nor veneration. It simply is.

    Get closer to what simply is, the answer to the whole enigma is contained within it's silence.

    Redefine from outside the outdated game of good and evil.

    The devil works for god, and is happy to do so.

    Mix your intentions with the elements that surround you.

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