Me and my photography

in me •  3 months ago

    Let me introduce myself

    My name is Edoardo, I am Italian and I am lucky enough to be born and live in Veneto. I am also lucky to be passionate about photography: the combination of photography and Italy is something exceptional! For those unfamiliar with the Italian peninsula, you should know that it is divided into twenty administrative regions. The capital of Italy is Rome (located in the Lazio region). To be clear and dispel any doubts, I live near the city of Venice (capital of Veneto region).

    If I were to look for a word that replaces “music” I could only think of Venice. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

    I graduated from high school as an Aviation Expert (both pilot and ATC) in 2002. However, fate wanted me to take a totally different path, but aviation remains my second world and therefore I always stay with one foot (sometimes two) in it and I keep many contacts in both the military and civil aviation.

    I’ve always been attracted to taking pictures, but I’ve never taken this activity seriously. At the age of 10, thanks to some money saved up, I bought my first analog camera. I wanted to imitate my father shooting with an old Yashica camera. My camera (which I still own) was yellow and blue. I remember that I chose it more for the colors than for anything else, obviously I didn’t know how to take good pictures!

    As I got older, I bought my first compact digital camera. A Sony model, very simple and fully automatic, but it was what I needed. It was 2005 when I bought it while I was on a mission in the Balkans, a peace mission with the Italian Air Force. The photos were very generic, but I remember that I enjoyed looking for different shots than usual. Later in 2009, I met a person with whom I became a colleague and friend, also passionate about photography. He opened me up a bit to the world of manual photography. He told me about a compact digital Canon's model, which in addition to the automatic operation also had manual-shooting mode. It was the Canon Ixus 980IS, a camera I still own. We bought two of those machines, one for me and one for him. I still didn’t understand much about photographic technique, but I could experiment with a new way of photographing by adding manual times and aperture selector. I was very satisfied with my new toy.

    A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away. (Eudora Welty)

    Later, in 2019, I just happened to start talking about photography with another colleague of mine. He asked me what I knew about the world of SLR cameras. At that time I only had a general knowledge of photography with compact cameras and nothing more, however, the topic interested me and I felt somehow attracted to that dialogue. The more he asked me questions, the more I wanted to understand more myself. One day he asked me to accompany him to a photography shop to buy his first SLR camera. I remember well that he said he wanted to buy one to photograph his pregnant wife, and then his son one day when he would be born. The shopkeeper (an experienced and very professional person) explained to my friend everything that revolves around the world of reflex cameras. I participated in the explanation without saying anything. I immediately noticed that those topics were somehow familiar and easy to understand. So I decided that I had to go into it somehow. At all costs. Four days later I bought my first SLR camera in response to an announcement from a gentleman who was no longer taking pictures and wanted to sell his equipment: I bought a camera and a tripod.

    From that moment until now that I am writing this text, it has been a succession of research, experimentation, change of cameras, post-production tests, study of techniques, etc. in short, everything about digital photography. Photography also helped me get through the dark moments of my life where I couldn’t find solutions for some problems I experienced, and taking pictures allowed me to focus and let those "black" times pass. Today I also managed to insert some photography into my work. It was easy since most people can’t photograph and think that the crooked horizons, fingers in front of the lens and dust spots on the sensor are "normal" things! Yes... normal for killing photography, I would say.

    I hope I haven’t bored you too much with my summary of how photography has become part of my life and I hope you will find interesting the content I publish in my blog!

    To see my welcome page about **photography **click here and you also might find interesting some pictures to download for free here .

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    See you soon! Edoardo

    When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence. (Ansel Adams)

    Get in touch on my Instagram

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