in mcqs •  last month
    1. ------------------is the largest accessory sex organ a. liver b.uterus c.prostate d. ejaculatory duct e. spermatic duct
    2. not a constituent of the prostate, a. prostaglandin b. fibrinolysis **c. plasmogen **d. acid phosphatase
    3. the percentage volume of the prostatic fluid in the seminal fluid is a. 20% b. 40% c. 60% d. 80%
    4. weight of the prostate a. 6g b. 8g c. 10g d.12g
    5. anteroposterior diameter,length and width of the prostate repectively; a. 2m, 4cm, 3cm b. 2cm, 4cm, 3cm c. 3cm, 4cm, 2cm d. 2cm, 3cm, 4cm
    6. number of prostatic ducts; a. 80-90 b. 60-70 c. 40-50** d. 20-30**
    7. synonymous to prostate in females a. cervix b. clitoris c. uterus d. para urethral gland
    8. which is correct; the prostate is a. superior to the neck of the bladder b. anterior to the pubic symphysis **c. superior to urogenital diaphragm **d.posterior to the ampulla of the rectum
    9. prostate is about the size of ------------- a. kolanut b. groundnut c. walnut d. tigernut
    10. choose the one(s) that match correctly for the prostate gland i. apex---urogenital diaphragm; ii. sides---levator ani muscles; iii. posterior---neck of the bladder; iv. base---puboprostatic ligament; v.anterior--- retropubic space a. i, ii, iii, iv, v b. i, ii, iv,v c.i, ii,v d. i, iii 11.structures piercing the base of the prostate; a. spermatic cord and internalpudendal artery b. ejaculatory duct and urethrae c. skenes duct and intenal iliac vein d. internal iliac vein and rectal arteries
    11. not an arterial supply to the prostate a.inferior vesical artery b. middle rectal atery c. anterior internal iliac artey d. internal gastric artery
    12. venous drainage to the prostate a. internal iliac vein b. internal pudendal vein c. internal gatric atery **d. a & b **e. a & c
    13. sympathetic nerve supply to the prostate: **a. L1,L2; hypogastric plexus **b. S2,S3, S4; pelvic splanchnic nerve c. T12, L1; hypogastric plexus d. S1,S2,S3, sacral plexus
    14. parasympathetic nerve suuply to the prostate a. L1,L2; hypogastric plexus **b. S2,S3, S4; pelvic splanchnic nerve **c. T12, L1; hypogastric plexus d. S1,S2,S3, sacral plexus
    15. the glandular tissue of the prostate is mostly located ---------------to the prostatic urethral a. anterior and lateral **b. posterior and lateral **c. medially d. superior and inferior
    16. not a structure inside the prostate a. urethra b. ejaculatory duct c. prostic utricle d. spermatic cord
    17. prostic utricle is synonymous to --------in female a. uterus b fallopian tube c. ovaries d. vagina
    18. not an anatomical lobe of the prostate; a. 2 lateral lobes b. medial lobe **c. anterior lobe **d. a & b
    19. glandular, liable to enlargement and obstructing the urethra in the prostate a. median lobe b. anterior lobe c. 2 lateral lobes d. posterior lobe
    20. true capsule = fibrous capsule; false capsule = fibrous sheath **a. true **b. false c. almost d.probably
    21. ----------------is found between true and false capsule a. median lobe b. sacral plexus c. venous plexus d. anterior lobe
    22. dononviller fascia; a. rectoprostatic fascia b. puboprostatic fascia c. sacral fascia d. inner fascia
    23. forms the postero median septum of the prostate a. muscular tissue b. fibrous tissue c. glandular tissue d. all of the above.
    24. fibromuscular stroma is a.stimulated by tetosterone and inhibited by oestrogen b. stimulted by oestrogen and inhibited by prostagladin c. stimulated by prostagladin and inhibited by oestrogen **d. stimulated by oestrogen and inhibited by tetosterone **26.all except one is not among the 3 concentric layers around the urethra in the prostate a. submucus gland b. mucous gland c. main prostatic gland d. basal gland 27.i. glandular tissue 1/4; ii. muscular tissue 1/2; iii. fibrous tissue; 1/4 which is(are) incorrect a.all are correct b. i c. i & ii d. iii
    25. prostatic fluid is a. acidic b. alkaline. c. neutral d. greenish
    26. colloid masses in the tubuloaveolar gland in the testesterone **a. corpora amylacae **b. corpora colloidae c. corpora columunus d.corpora avidus
    27. not an examination test for prostate a.biopsy b. ultra sound c. PR d. PV e.PSA
    28. What is the difference between prostate cancer and BPH
    29. Write full meaning of the following: BPH.............Benign Prostate Hyperplasia PSA------------Prostate Specific antigen PR-------------Per Rectum
    30. carcinoma of the prostate is likely to spread through the lymphatics into a. para aortic nodes b. internal iliac nodes c.mesenteric nodes d.external iliac nodes
    31. length of female urethrae a. 2cm b. 16cm c. 4cm d. 20cm
    32. female urethra is related to the a. lateral walls of the vagina b. anterior walls of the vagina c. posterior walls of the vagina d. labia minora
    33. the female urethera has the external urethral sphincter located in the a. superficial perineal pouch **b. deep perineal pouch **c. all of the above d. none of the above
    34. not a part of the male urethra a. preaortic part b. preprostatic c. spongy d. membraneous
    35. which part of the urethra has the internal urethral sphincter **a. 1st part **b. 2nd part c. 3rd part d. 4th part
    36. has the external urethral sphincter. a. 1st part b.2nd part **c. 3rd part **d. 4th part
    37. type of muscle and nerve of the 1st part of the male urethra a. skeletal muscle, pudendal nerve b. skeletal muscle, ANS c. smooth muscle, pudendal nerve d. smooth muscle, ANS
    38. type of muscle and nerve of the third part of the male urethra a. skeletal muscle, pudendal nerve b. skeletal muscle, ANS c. smooth muscle, pudendal nerve d. smooth muscle, ANS
    39. fossa(s) in the spongy part of the male urethra: a. bulba fossa b. navicular fossa c. seminal fossa **d. a & b **e. a and c
    40. bulbourethral glands open at the -------------- a. bulbar fossa b. navicular fossa c. seminal fossa d. urethral orifice
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