Expectation Versus Reality

in mancave •  4 months ago

    expectation v reality.png

    I know expectation versus reality is a huge memeable joke on the internet and it applies to all walks of life.

    I first came across this when I was hiring new staff to work on my blog when it was becoming a more than one man job. What struck me as apparent is that most people didn't have a good concept of where their skills are and how good they were at them.

    I'd often meet "detail-orientated passionate workers with a keen eye for mental health" but were almost anything but. In fact, some of their work ethics and ways in which they applied their skillsets to the job at hand when matched up with what they had on their CVs were the contrast of chalk and cheese.

    I realised very quickly that I was going to have to separate the milk from the curd. One may write an excellent CV, but sometimes that's the only meat they have in the game. A squeaky clean work history and references, but in reality no meat to back up the steak. Sometimes I was being delivered the vegan version of Sirloin Steak. It wasn't what I asked for.

    The same can be said for crypto, and it's why you'll need to be vigilant this time around when putting in your money somewhere to rest. You might find by the time it comes to claim your hard earned pennies they are all gone, and it's not because of malevolence, but more so incompetence when it comes to handling the sell pressures of the bear market. We've only seen one or two projects stand the test of time through this raging bear, and it has been a bad one.

    So with that in mind please go into this bull market with a strong head on your shoulders. Invest in projects that are trustworthy, have a track record of keeping their head above the water, and don't just ditch everything at the first sign of trouble.

    It is an absolute sad state of affairs is that when the success quantifiers in crypto are that you don't give up at the first sign of trouble, and that you adapt to the market conditions and keep ploughing on regardless. That bar is set so low that almost anyone with a fierce "get up and go" attitude can make it.

    But this also brings into question that market conditions in the cryptosphere reflect reality. I hear that 99% of startups fail in the first year when it comes to in the real world businesses, and it is the same here in the cryptosphere. 99% of projects will make a dive and never recover in the bear market in our sphere too. We are no different.

    So please be vigilant. PumpXXmahoosivegainscoin might start with good intentions but the reality of markets and people lay waste to good intentions. I love Marky's saying when he always tells me that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. You should own that saying if you want to start something in crypto.

    So keep your expectations low. Don't plan for 10000% gains on anything this year. If something nets you 10% then that's a way more realistic perception of what can be found out there than something that offers 10000%. Most of the projects that I've been in that offer ridiculously high returns like such don't last for long, or their percentage meter comes down rapidly and settles at a more decent number.

    HBD @ 20% is probably one of the best deals you'll get out there in crypto and even that is becoming hard to maintain.

    So just be realistic, and keep those expectations relatively low, and you'll be fine.

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