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in littleguys •  2 months ago

    tl;dr: You enable it to automate voting for your benefit when you're unable to manually vote, it's entirely automatic, it ensures your voting power is optimized upon your return.

    Discover the way to join us here: https://som.lan.247420.xyz

    What's the essence of littleguys??

    on hive, 100% is the maximum voting power you can achieve. it takes action just before your power maxes out, then it directs votes to community members to utilize optimal power.

    who benefits from the votes

    it mitigates misuse by monitoring voting behaviors, maintain your content flow to maximize vote returns. efforts are made to ensure contribution equity among members, equity is maintained by redistributing votes based on your activity comparison hence, continuous posting upon return compensates for inactivity.

    the growth of your account directly influences your received votes

    How do I join?

    we adhere to blockchain standards for authentication, ensuring ease of use, security, and comprehensive community support

    if preferred, authenticate directly to @minnowschool using your tools for automatic acknowledgement by the system

    Discover the way to join us here: https://som.lan.247420.xyz

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