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in littleguys •  last month

    tl;dr: You permit it to represent you in voting when you're unable to manually vote, everything runs on its own, it ensures your voting power is optimized upon your return.

    Learn the steps to join us here:

    How does it operate??

    on hive, 100% is the maximum voting power you can achieve. it takes action just before your power maxes out, then it directs votes to community members to utilize optimal power.

    how this allocation works

    your vote and receive balance dictates your next vote's timing, your continuous posting secures your spot in the voting queue. efforts are made to ensure contribution equity among members, efforts are made to ensure contribution equity among members hence, continuous posting upon return compensates for inactivity.

    the growth of your account directly influences your received votes

    How do I join?

    the authentication is secure, transparent, and user-friendly, with community support always available

    direct voting delegation to @minnowschool is also an option, with the system automating the rest

    Uncover the joining procedure here:

    crafted with ♥ by

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