The Solution to all our Problems

in life •  5 months ago

    Today in America we are faced with the prospect of global war. Our demented political leadership is demonstrably doing everything it can to cause this war, bombing Syria, Iraq, Somalia, and Libya this year, and providing $B's to proxies that are bombing Russia, Gaza, the Ukraine, and Lebanon as well. If there's more these war profiteers could be doing to kill us all, I am not aware of it.

    Well, throughout history we see that populations faced with such demented leaders have revolted and re-asserted control over their countries, and we also see that this drumbeat of revolution and civil war is continuously beaten by our enemies, the propagandists that own the media, the enemedia, today. That violent war and revolution from pole to pole on Earth is what the corporations and psychopaths that own them want, because that will cause orders for weapons and materiel to flow in, massive influxes of money to be sent to them to make weapons to kill us all and profits to fund their yachts.

    That is not going to do us any good. Don't support it. Don't pick a side in the battle coming and give your life for the profits of madmen. Those massive armies, nuclear bombs, and aircraft carriers that make them huge profits have become obsolete in war today. What wins wars today are little FPV drones, that we can print on our kitchen tables and deploy ourselves against enemies we target ourselves. Print some drones for freedom today.

    IMG source - Anonymous

    The bad old days of war and revolution were driven by economic necessity. All the blessings of civilization, automobiles, heated homes, hot and cold indoor plumbing, have been possible because of collective labor in large factories with industrial machinery that required massive capital expenditures only rich people with lots of money could corporately fund. All of this depended on centralizing resources, pooling them together to fund massive factories, industries, and countries. This was the result of the laws of physics, that slowly has advanced technology through centralized industry that began with agriculture tens of millennia ago, when people began planting huge fields of crops that could be stored over the winter to feed big populations that could field large armies to defend them from enemies, and attack other populations and take their stuff.

    Overlords were necessary in centralized industry to concentrate the resources necessary to fund the industries, armies, and countries that enabled people to raise their standard of living and quality of life.

    But the laws of physics have today mandated decentralization of the means of production is the best way to increase productivity and provide the blessings of civilization. The pipes that bring water into homes and create hot and cold indoor plumbing can be printed at home by the people that need the pipes. The electricity that provides the energy to light our homes in the night can be produced by solar panels on the roof of the house, or a windmill in the back yard. The food that feeds us all can be grown with aquaponics in our garage or living rooms to our exact specifications, and no longer needs to be grown in massive fields, displacing nature, doused in pesticides, and profiting overlords. All those massive factories and fields have been shown to destroy the natural ecosystems that we are part of, so much so that in previous centuries we perceived civilization as a war with nature.

    But that war was the war of centralization with nature, not civilization, as we see by the decentralization of the means of production burgeoning today. The mandate of physics makes them more productive than massive factories run by slaves profiting overlords. It is our overlords that are at war with nature, not us. When we make stuff ourselves, feed ourselves with aquaponics, we're not eliminating huge swaths of nature to plant fields. We don't need to displace a single blade of grass to grow our food. Cargill and Monsanto do. When we buy our food from supermarkets, we pay overlords to destroy nature. When we grow our food ourselves using aquaponics, we not only don't destroy nature, we can feed it, add to it, increase it's expanse, health, and fecundity. We can treat what we eat well, as non-psychopaths, rather than profiteers that will commit any atrocity for another pfennig/unit of profit.

    We don't need to conquer countries in wars. Overlords do. We need to conquer our homes, our personal spaces where we live, and wrest control of them from overlords who destroy nature, so we can protect and increase the verdancy of nature. Decentralization of the means of production is the solution to all the world's problems we face today, war, destruction of nature, and tyranny that threatens to reduce us to, or keep us, slaves enthralled to overlords. Those problems are all benefits, those bugs are all features, to overlords.

    Don't listen to your enemies telling you to support them in their victory over you. Win instead. Grow your own food using aquaponics in a way that doesn't harm nature, but helps it. Make your own power rather than buy it from destructive industries that wage war for control of mineral resources. These decentralized tools and means of production are just beginning to become available today, but even the crude beginnings of this technological revolution are more productive of wealth for us than wage slavery, because they eliminate the parasitic losses that are feeding our production to overlords when we work for taxable wages, to buy products, that profit overlords, through taxable sales, and all those taxes are funneled to overlords (who don't pay any taxes) by government contracts with corporations overlords own.

    Fuck them. Make the world a better place by conquering your home, your personal production, and increase your quality of life by setting yourself free from overlords. Early adopters of these technologies find ways to improve them, which improves them, and that benefits us all by making them simpler, easier to use, and more productive. New 3D printers now have lidar to locate the printhead, multiple materials to make more complex products, and are orders of magnitude faster and more precise than models just a few years old. They're only a couple hundred bucks, to the low four figures, and generate $1000s in wealth when you use them to make stuff you need.

    This is the toothpaste coming out of the tube. If you take advantage of it you'll prosper ever more going forward and benefit all humanity and the natural ecosystems we all depend on. If you don't, you'll be crushed in the tube being squeezed. Get out in front of it and benefit, and create benefits for our posterity that come after us.

    Get a 3D printer that you can use to make the parts of an aquaponics system to grow your food, to make the backyard windmill, or the solar panels, that can make your power, to make your flying car, that is just a quadcopter scaled up to carry you. We can't yet print electric motors or wires, and although that is coming soon (3D printers manufactured Terran 1, the first 3D printed spacecraft launched off Earth in March, 2023), these components are still available inexpensively from the remnants of the centralized industries that are being deprecated and replaced. Take advantage of that transition and advance your own personal economic interests. Make your freedom yourself.

    Every bit you make yourself eliminates parasitic losses that strip your production from you and give it to your enemies that want to profit from sending you to war with other people that would also be better off making their own stuff instead of making profits for their enemies. Don't wage military war. Wage economic war. Don't conquer countries of other thralls to overlords. Conquer your home and free it from overlords. Don't fight your fellows. Fight your overlords and become free.

    That's how we solve all the problems we face today. All our production is the fight to enslave us all to overlords, or the victory of economic freedom and prosperity. Every dime you send overlords is tribute. Stop paying to be conquered. Become free.

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