Biking to the river beach, on a sunny day.

in life •  3 months ago

    Yesterday, late at night, just before falling asleep, I didn't feel great.
    I sensed it might have to do with the sugar(y cookies) that guests had brought along with them. Although the gesture was nice, I seem to react strongly to unnatural/processed sugar, these days.

    Whatever was the case, after waking up sluggish and a bit snotty this morning, I decided that this was another chance to turn things around and focus on health, even more.

    So, at the start of this afternoon, instead of having lunch and stay at home not doing much at all, I decided to fill my backpack with some nuts and raisins, a banana and an orange, as well as a big thermos flask (1.2L) of filtered water, a fast-drying towel and - at least as important - two notebooks plus crayons and coloring pens, just in case inspiration would hit me.

    I then hopped on my [new bike] and cycled to the nearest river beach, a 20 minute bike ride, I guess, or a 45 minute walk, with some serious climbing involved.

    I ignored the temptation to go into the village first and eat a toastie and have a drink and basically told myself that I might go there, after my visit to the river beach, to get some groceries and possibly have a drink.

    Also, important to note, I decided to not bring a certain thing with me on my outing, my phone. And not - as some of you might think - because I lost it a couple of days ago, as can be read and listened to in and . No, not that. I just didn’t want the distraction. I wanted to be a 100% offline for a couple of hours. Something I usually don’t manage to do if my phone is in my vicinity. The thing is like a parasite that manages to draw my attention, over and over again, and sometimes I need to show it its place.

    It was nice to be disconnected for what ended up being an hour or two. It was also nice to lose my sense of time somewhat and feel more connected with nature, by being more in the now.

    It surprised me how my brain kept running full throttle for most of the time, no matter how intense the bike ride was. It always tries to distract. Every now and then though, I managed to laugh about its ridiculous thoughts or act as if I was eating some virtual popcorn while listening to its inner ramblings.

    I put my foot in the still icy river water, several times and lay down on the earth/ river sand for an hour or so, aside from walking around the river’s edge for a bit, bare feet, and sitting down on a rock for a bit.

    I enjoyed seeing a bird of prey, doing its thing, soundlessly floating and circling over the forest on the other side of the water. I also saw a bunch of beautiful little birds and some pretty butterflies.

    I had a good time, even though ( or perhaps because ), I was the only person thinking of visiting the river (beach) at this hour of the day.

    I enjoyed eating the water and the snacks that I had brought along and, after what later appeared to be a little more than an hour or so of connecting with nature, I cycled back home, recharged. Recharged naturally that is, not calory wise. In fact, I was thinking about the pasta dish/ late lunch that I would like to make and considering whether I still needed to go to the shop or would need to vimprovise.

    While still on the forest path, climbing up hill, I passed some people, clearly going down to the river beach. I recognized one of them and stopped for a bit to chat. It ended up being a very short chat, as they were keen to go to the river and I to go home. I was also short of breath due to the steep climb, so I excused myself and went my way.

    After arriving home, somewhat exhausted, hot and hungry but, at the same time, feeling good and strong and proud of myself for exercising, out in nature, I decided to focus on improvising some nice lunch. I had indeed managed to stop myself from going to the shop and eventually ended up making spaghetti with grated cheese, raisins, anchovis and – as I had ran out of veggies and am still not that skilled at foraging but know a thing or two - I plucked a couple of rape seed plants, straight from my garden, washed them in the creek that is running around the land and then cooked them, together with my pasta, using the entire plant, including the yellow flowers and the stem. I have eaten this a handful of times, in the last 2 months or so, preparing it myself, but am still not entirely sure how to do it well. I ended up having to cook it quite a bit longer, after the spaghetti was done – as I could keep on chewing on it and I don’t have as many stomachs as a cow. Afterwards, cut in smaller pieces and mixed in with my spaghetti, it was quite nice though a bit tough too handle. Luckily that’s what I like. Easy stuff, no matter how comfortable it might make us feel, is less fun anyway ;<)

    What have you been spending your time on today?
    I hope it was worth it.

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