Live a Wonderful Life and always Stay Classy!

in life •  5 months ago

    Sometimes I can't believe my good fortune. Good luck or whatever it is, seems to follow me wherever I go. Some say it's because I have a good heart, who knows, but I've always remained a calm and positive individual no matter what temporary tribulations I'm going through.

    And they are temporary.

    I've never been one of those people who walk around sad or morose all the time. Life's way too short for that. I've shared on this platform that no matter what bad things or difficulties I'd go through, I always managed to "even out" in the end.

    You were told by me that while I had to endure the bad of getting robbed when I was in Germany back in 2017, it caused me to leave the building I'd been living in where almost everyone on my floor died of COVID.

    I remember writing here how I felt an inner voice warning me to stay on the sunny side of the street on a hot summer day, and that tiny bit of suffering caused me to avoid being pinned between a van and a car had I crossed over into the shade.

    As Kramer once said in an episode of Seinfeld, "from pain, will come pleasure!" So yeah, things always seem to work out for me to such an extent, that when hard times come, I just think to myself "this too shall pass."

    And it always does, leaving me even better off in the end.

    Awhile ago, I was discussing the lack of support on many of my posts (before realizing it was a widespread issue) when right on time, another writing door opened for me.

    This opportunity allows me to write and be compensated at a level I've never experienced after almost seven years here on Hive. So I no longer have to even think about upvotes, I can write on Hive just for the pure enjoyment of it, as I've more than "evened out." :)

    My birth occurred in the greatest country on Earth: the United States of America, a nation that so many hopeful people are trying to get to. And while I've never been rich, I almost never seem to get sick and have been blessed with good health throughout my life.

    I've also been able to help lighten the load for some very good people that I've run into, so that if I pass away today, I'll have left behind a positive impact on others, and lived a life that I can be proud of.

    Live your Best Life now, Because Tomorrow, it could all be OVER

    I shared with you recently about how two bitter, nasty, and angry people had passed away recently. These two individuals were a cancer on society, and even though they were older, seemed to spend every waking moment scheming and plotting against almost everyone around them.

    I remember asking one of them, a morbidly obese man in a wheelchair who was always making trouble for people why he did it. This was in September of last year, and he was rolling around, whispering false rumors about a girl and trying to get her fired from her job.

    He would laugh maniacally as she was forced to fend off the false accusations, and I let management know they were untrue. I asked him why he was always doing this stupid stuff, after all he'd collapsed in 2022 and had to be rushed to the hospital, which resulted in him now being confined to his wheelchair.

    "Hey man," I said to him. "You do realize that God is watching and you won't get away with anything forever, right? If you don't start changing your ways, you're going to be standing in front of God one day (as we all will be), found wanting, and be cast into Hell for eternity."

    He responded that "Hell was right here on Earth."

    He has no idea. Well actually, he might.

    In January, I saw his funeral notice. This man who'd lived a life full of complete wickedness, had finally reached the end of his journey. I can only hope that he found the inner will to repent in those final hours and that he had the time to actually do so. I wonder if he's found the peace that he denied to so many others.

    However knowing him...

    But yeah, I've been fortunate enough to find that silver lining in life wherever I go. Where one door closes, another is quickly opened leading to an even better outcome. Its one of the reasons I'm so calm and positive in my daily walk because I know that no matter what happens, It always gets better. :)

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