James Roguski Provides Critical Information

in life •  11 days ago

    James Roguski publishes a substack and kindly notifies me of his posts via email. It is information dense, and often provides information and citations to sources I am not availed elsewhere. I highly recommend folks interested in understanding our common circumstances and overcoming challenges we face to prosper going forward subscribe at the links above and immediately below. His most recent post is excerpted below, with comment by me interspersed and following.

    IMG source - James Roguski

    "...the program launched in the US in early 2020, under the title Operation Warp Speed, and resulted in global deployment of psychological fraud and control programs including terrorizing propaganda; social isolation; mask mandates; diagnostic tests; manipulated data presentations (i.e. “dashboards”); prohibition on treatments for symptoms; and financial coercion of hospitals and nursing home death protocols (sedatives, ventilators and toxins).

    "These components were followed by distribution of three brands of biochemical weapons (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson) with an unknown number of different batch formulations.

    "The biochemical weapons were and are developed and manufactured under redacted contracts, to DoD specifications, non-compliant with FDA pharmaceutical manufacturing regulations.

    "They are delivered — by way of the Strategic National Stockpile and DoD transport systems, non-compliant with FDA pharmaceutical distribution regulations — to retail pharmacies, nursing homes, hospitals, clinics, workplaces, schools, parking lots and medical offices, and from there into the hands of pharmacists, nurses and other ‘vaccinators,’ for injection into military targets at community-level ‘vaccination’ clinics (“points of dispensing”/PODs).

    "To date, the contents have not been publicly disclosed."

    There are several angles of defense that potential victims of this operation may take to mitigate their exposure to harm, but the covert program of genocide must first be realized before any defense is contemplated, and that is a hurdle that most people seem not to have leapt. Most, if not all, of my readers have had this realization. My intention is to successfully live my life, and I assume that is the goal of everyone I know. People are social, and to succeed in life we must be part of communities that will succeed us. This underlies my purpose in publishing here and elsewhere, to enable that succession to prosper and thrive by understanding our circumstances and applying the tools available to us to provide the prosperity and felicity necessary to our success as communities.

    "Independent researchers have identified some but not all components of some vials diverted from the Strategic National Stockpile supply chain, including heavy metals, genetic code fragments, and many other contaminants not listed on applications submitted to regulators by manufacturers, who are working under redacted contracts for the US Department of Defense.

    "These biochemical weapons are exempt from, and therefore non-compliant with, all pharmaceutical regulation."

    This reduces the attack surface we are availed to mitigate the hazards of this attack. Uninformed as to the full panoply of attack vectors, we cannot be sure to mitigate all of them if we are afflicted by the bioweapon(s). Therefore the only sure defense against these bioweapons is to not suffer them to be inflicted on us. While I have managed to avoid being injected with the bioweapon(s) directly, and have also not suffered being tested via nasal or other swab (or by any other mechanism), strong evidence has been claimed of these bioweapons being shed by those that have suffered injection, and perhaps through physically invasive testing mechanisms, as well as people that have been infected with the SARS2 virus and had c19. I suspect I have had c19 at least once, perhaps twice, and while reports suggest this is a very mild attack with a survival rate of >99.9%, what long term impacts may arise remain uncharacterized fully.

    It is very important for everyone, therefore, to gain a complete understanding of all the vectors of attack of these bioweapons, despite that information being withheld by the attackers. Several doctors have claimed to have devised protocols that mitigate the known harmful effects of these bioweapons, notably Dr. Peter McCullough, using a combination of vitamins and antiparasitic medications. For folks that know they are suffering ill effects from being jabbed, infected with c19, or suspect shedding has impacted them, this may be the best mitigation that is today available. Further investigation, research, and publication of the specific hazards of these bioweapons remains necessary to ensure all the vectors of harm have been fully characterized.

    As the initial attack has not fully achieved the published goals of the NWO, which include reduction of the population by ~90%, the enclosure of the survivors in 15 minute prisons, and their reduction to penury and dependence on the provisions of reduced quality the NWO claims are sufficient, such as the dietary formulations based on insects and other non-traditional sources commonly understood as inedible, there will be more bioweapons attacks, and continued political pressure via institutional mechanisms to deliver the whole population into their hands as intended.

    Additionally, it is becoming increasingly obvious that kinetic warfare is being imposed ever more widely, because populations are alerting to political machinations and opposing them, leaving kinetic warfare as the most effective mechanism for imposing policies against their will, as demonstrated across history.

    Taken together, evidence of degradation of supply lines, biomedical attacks, economic destruction, and information warfare, including both censorship and propaganda, comprise a comprehensive reduction in the ability of populations that do not adopt novel means of creating supplies of necessities and the blessings of civilization to maintain standards of living, and to survive incipient kinetic warfare. For this reason I have advocated adopting modern technological means of producing goods and services that are arising from the decentralization of the means of production that has become the leading edge of tech advance. As centralized supply lines increasingly degrade going forward, these developing means of providing essential goods and services will concomitantly become the only way to secure essentials and enjoy the blessings of civilization.

    From food and basic necessities, to information and security, decentralized and distributed means of production will become the only means available to free people, because the NWO is conquering the world and will not provide populations means to resist that conquest and reduction to possession by the NWO. All of us, regardless of our circumstances today, are able to adopt means of production suitable to our circumstances and contributing to the survival and success of communities in the face of the challenges we face. Those that do not merit inclusion in those communities by contributing to the production of essentials will not be able to be provided essentials, unless the success of free communities greatly exceeds my expectations in resisting the NWO and defeating it politically and militarily much faster than I anticipate. There is a hard slog coming, and them resting easy won't make that distance, IMHO.

    "On September 21st, HHS Secretary Alex Azar told FOX Business that all Operation Warp Speed vaccine manufacturers would be exempt from liability for any damages their vaccines may cause and that those who administer those vaccines would also not be liable for damages.

    "“Under the PREP Act, which is a provision in Congress, any treatment or vaccine for purposes of a national emergency pandemic like this actually comes with liability protection. Both the product as well as those who administer it or provide it,” Azar stated during the televised interview.

    "The PREP Act that Azar referenced was originally signed into law in 2005 but was updated this past April, a few weeks before Operation Warp Speed was announced, so that vaccine and therapeutic manufacturers “cannot be sued for money damages in court” over injuries caused by medical countermeasures for Covid-19."

    Regardless of these laws and contracts, crimes are not lawful, and contracts to commit crimes cannot be enforced in just courts. Therefore it is imperative to understand that these attacks on populations are crimes, and to retain the power of just courts and sovereign peoples to enforce just laws. First we must survive, and then we must defeat our enemies. Then we can hold them to account for their crimes against humanity, that our posterity can thrive and prosper as free and sovereign people.

    Such circumstances you are in proscribe your ability to contribute to the survival of humanity and the prosperity of our posterity. Whether you can produce bespoke goods and/or services necessary, or merely information and advice, your contributions to our continued possession of necessities and the blessings of civilization are vital, not only to humanity, but to your own survival and prosperity.

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