An inconvenient "short" talk

in life •  3 months ago

    Have you ever been in a conversation where you end up regretting that you even had it?


    A conversation that started pleasant and exciting but then it ended with a feeling of you sulking about that person. The worst part is that you are the one who started the conversation and you were also the one who opened up a topic about it.

    This tends to happen if you have insecurities and the conversation was led to the part of the discussion in which you felt bad about yourself. A good example of this is a money talk.

    For some people, talking about their finances is their way to brag about their achievements which makes them feel good about themselves. They are the people who were able to gain enough fortune that bragging about has become their hobby. I'm not saying that all rich people like to talk about their wealth it's the opposite. The real rich people don't even talk about how rich they are.

    Conversely, some people have less fortune, making them feel insecure about it. Hence, talking about it isn't a fond experience.

    As for my case, I'd like to believe that I haven't reached a status where I can't allow myself to retire yet. Which is why I'm still working for the company. I have no issue talking about my job to other people however, whenever the topic of salary or finance is brought up, I'll either change the topic or find another to talk about.

    I'd like to think that it's confidential so I don't want to give that information to other people. That being said, I also don't want to expose how much I earn and make it the topic of a conversation. I think it's not professional of me to talk about my salary to other people except the boss or the company's representative.

    The other reason is that I don't know how would I feel knowing how I stack up with others.

    Of course, it would make me feel good about myself knowing that I could earn higher than someone. However, learning how other people earn more than me would probably make me feel envious of it. And then it will be followed by a feeling of pressure trying to figure out how I'm able to surpass that.

    Hopefully, things will turn out alright for me in the years to come.

    Curamax Footer.jpg

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