The Last Election in America

in life •  19 hours ago

    The US military has arrogated to itself domestic police powers and the power to use deadly force against American civilians, despite Posse Comitatus making that contrary to the Constitution and illegal. David Knight discusses how both Harris and Trump seem to support it here. Knight knocks it out of the park in this video. I hope everyone both left and right, both top and bottom, everyone of every bent and inclination, watches this video, because he points out that this Presidential election has been rigged in multiple ways already so badly that it doesn't matter who wins.

    Whoever wins kicks off martial law.

    IMG source -

    I heard Trump say something like 'Christians, my lovely Christians, you have to get out and vote. Just this one time. You won't have to do it again.' not long ago. I was astounded. It was like he was trying to be the danger to democracy the Democrats accused him of being. David Knight points out that Trump has called for using force against Americans more recently. Knight also rolls a clip of Harris talking about having power. They're peas in a pod when it comes to martial law.

    There's more, but Knight says it much better than I repeat it. Watch the video linked above. You should know what's coming. This could be our last federal election, and no matter who you vote for, whether you vote, or not, martial law is coming because the uniparty is running both candidates. It takes two cheeks to flap against each other and fart out the reeking rhetoric politicans spew, but both cheeks are the same stinking ass.

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