Some thoughts about living a healthy lifestyle

in life •  3 months ago

    The first time that I encountered the term "Blue Zone" was when I was watching a Netflix series called "Down To Earth". It's a show hosted by Zac Efron and Darin Olien where they go on a travel and showcase the beauty of nature, local lifestyle, and the sustainable ways that they encounter throughout their journey. It's a good show and I already completed Season 1 and the new episodes of Season 2.

    Among the episodes, the one that left a mark on me was their travel to Sardinia. During this travel, they discovered the phenomenon called Blue Zones. It's a record of the places on Earth where more people have reached the age of 100 years or Centenarians.


    The findings about the Blue Zone observation are that the diet of a person doesn't necessarily reflect someone's overall health condition. For example, if you are to search online about a healthy diet then many would say that you should concentrate on on high protein diet and eat fewer carbohydrates. The people in the blue zones, specifically in Sardinia, are doing the opposite which is more carbohydrates and not so much of proteins.

    It's so cool that one of the centenarians that they interviewed says that he regularly goes for walks and then drinks beer afterward. Ask a dietician if they can advise this and for sure they will not agree with it.


    It's amazing how one can have a strong opinion about a lifestyle even though they haven't lived long enough to prove their theory while there are people who are happily living for a hundred years and yet they are simply living the way they used to.

    It's puzzling to learn that such a phenomenon exists and yet it's not taught or shared to an extent similar to how the influencers promote a specific kind of diet or eating habits.

    That's why there are times when I find it difficult to adapt to what the "food or diet experts" say about a kind of diet or exercise that is good for the body. I'm not entirely against healthy living.


    I often dream about my retirement plans of moving to a suburban or even to a rural place and being immersed in the beauty of nature. Enjoy the food that will make me full and be truly satisfied with the experience.

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