And With Strange Aeons...

in life •  3 months ago


    It was time for the annual Transport Museum visit. A time celebrated among the Boom's each year.

    Some said it was a shit time. Others that it was a waste of a hangover... Me, I said nothing but maintained a handsome fortitude through the ordeal attracting many a lady and the occasional feller alike.

    We arrived and made approving oohs and ahhhhs at the Indian minivan.



    Then we marveled at a collection of old shit coloured cars.



    Before exclaiming in awe at the steam powered Elephant inseminator from the 1900's


    No one is more glad than the elephants that things have moved on somewhat.

    Some of the old cars were in black and white which is a strange thing to witness in the flesh.


    At last we came across the Silent Horses of the Underbobs that guarded the famous Street Of The Dead.


    Normally this slice of 1900's Britain was a bustling affair full of tourists and their cameras getting all snappy like a Florida alligator on the Viagra.

    However, today, thanks to the power of Google AI the streets were eerily empty and silent.




    At one point the Good Lady and the kids came across me as I was erasing the humanity from this glorious piece of history.

    You can't just wipe people out of existence with your phone!?

    They cried in horror.

    I turned to them and a great fat tear rolled down my cheek.

    But I can..

    And then I wiped them gone too and finally, the world was silent.

    Before the erasening... All hail our AI overlords.


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