Another Day, Another Reflection

in life •  2 months ago

    "I've tried to journal in the past and it just never worked out for me." I replied in a way that could be mean, I think to myself. But it's the truth. I have heard that before. I know so many things would be different if I didn't keep going, especially pushing through moments that feel like "it wasn't working out."

    Today was just another one of those days.

    My Writing Teacher Pumped Me Up

    I think that support comes from many places. It just may not take the shape or form you want. You'd like a cat to cuddle you, but instead, your cat cozies up on your work laptop and shuts it down. Ronnie is a nice guy, though. Writing is a commitment for life. After all, I won't make an impression in someone's mind with a single sentence. It will be with many words, over endless posts.

    Would you cringe at what you wrote a year ago? I just thought to myself the other day, "What a blessing." I can teach myself a lesson from the past like that. So, with a little phlegm left to cough, I'm typing away for knowledge and wisdom on another day.

    The common denominator is time. I loved Clear's literature on the effect of small changes over time, and coupled with previously obtained information, there's a solution...

    How do I make it actionable? Well, I'm not writing a syllabus or teaching course, but here's an interesting insight. Tesla spend no money on ad spend. And, it proves to be one of the most noticeable, if not also, profitable car companies in recent memory.

    Written yesterday, May 18th, 2023, 1 year ago


    Wait Til You See Me On My Bike

    I'm still waiting to see myself on my bike, too. Today was supposed to be the day we run over to the bike shop and get a new tire and brakes tightened. We ran over to Home Depot to grab bungee cords and command strips. The strips are for the art I got a while back. The cords are to securely fasten the bike to the car, for towing it to the repair shop!

    We're in the clear, until we slowly roll into the lot on the left side of a dark shop. A quick glance at the sign leaning on the left corner of the storefront window said the only word we didn't want to see next to Sunday: CLOSED.

    So it's up to next Saturday to catch the bike repair, just in time for the holiday weekend.

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