X Payments and Social Credit System Introduced by the Yacc

in life •  2 months ago

    Who is surprised by this? I don't think any of my readers is. I'm not. I saw this coming as soon as I learned Linda Yaccarino was the new CEO of Twatter. Do I need to warn anyone to get the hell off X? I hope not. I hope all my readers see the trap being set. I bet there will be some little prize for early adopters of X payments/X money, but then, just like we've seen Musk deplatforming users that disagreed with his H1b scam by the hundreds (I would have disagreed but I've been deplatformed long ago), we'll quickly start to see users debanked off X for similar things. The more you like money, the more that will hurt.

    Anyone that's willing to grovel and pander for money will do great on X. Anyone with human dignity and sovereign rights will be robbed and shadow banned. Some people may never realize they are shadow banned, because the limitations on reach shadow banning effects aren't visible to the user. You just don't get new users after the shadow banning starts. No new people see your posts and replies on X, and your old network might even shrink when your followers are reduced to those they think deserve your content - other shadow banned accounts. Not until you're practically outright banned do you notice your subscriber count dwindling, a complete absence of replies and re-Xcretes of your posts, and that you can't follow anyone anymore. This is the condition of Max Igan's account, although they may have relented on some of that, if he bothers to use it anymore.

    IMG source - Whitney Webb interviewed on the Jimmy Dore show on Rumble regarding her Xcretes about X's new X money/X payment announced by Linda Yaccarino, Social credit score, and where it's going

    Whitney Webb is interviewed on the Jimmy Dore show by a guest standing in for Jimmy, and she basically outlines all the reasons I'm staying far from X today, even pseudonymously. I've no interest in being treated like Pavlov's dogs, and I could care less about X money. I actually don't care about money. I use as little of it as possible, and mostly have an economy based on goodwill. Not the thrift store, the reputation. As more and more of these economic traps are set to bait you into obedience to your overlords with social credit scores, I'm going to get further from money as I am able. Goodwill respects sovereignty. Goodwill can't be debanked. If you get de-banked from your goodwill balance, you never actually had a balance at all, and were dealing with theft by fraud from that vector from the get go.

    You will be tested soon. You will find some BTC at $830k irresistable, or 7% interest on your X money account enough to suck you all-in. Wherever your purchase point is, they'll find it and buy your soul. Like all the fairy tales, morals of the stories are always that you should never, ever have sold your soul, and once it's gone you'll regret selling it for the rest of your life, and probabaly wish you'd never been born.

    What do you think the NWO wants from you? The truth is they want you dead, and to take your stuff from your cold, dead fingers. They'll find your weakness, whether it's your kids, your car, old blues, whatever it is, and they'll take it from you and make you want to die. I know this because they already did it to me without any of this new tech and surveillance they have now. Brain chips, algorithms, and EMF signals that can put thoughts in your head, complete and total control of your economic assets enabling them to tweak incentives to motivate you like a clapping seal... They will find a way to make you understand why in 2023 >3% of deaths in Canada were through the MAID (medical assistance in dying) program. Justine Castreau found a way to drive that many people to desire death, and then gave them what they wanted. Just because Castreau resigned doesn't mean there aren't equally vile and reprehensible WEF minions waiting in the wings to demoralize you even more, now. There are, and they're going to have much better tools than smarmy gay fascism, aimed at you generally, to rip your heart and soul out with.

    Your phone and your Tesla are going to read your thoughts, and put some in your head. They've been able to measure your basal metabolic metrics for a while, your pulse rate, your breathing, the conductivity of your skin and degree of emotional disturbance that reveals, etc. Interacting with your brain's EMF will bring a whole new definition to the word suffering. The old trope of the misery whip being able psychically torture you isn't going to be science fiction anymore, and mere physical pain won't be the limit of it's ability to make you suffer. Just how much do you think something that reads your mind for a couple years first can make you suffer by inserting hallucinations that appear to be real world experiences into your head? Neuralink, Open AI, and DARPA are going to turn your soul into their playground, if you let them bait you in. Watch some video of Bruce Giordano talk about what they can do with smart dust, consider how evil the most evil overlords are, and whether quality of life really depends on your X account, bank account, or material possessions. Here's 5 minutes of his promised future.

    Nebuchadnezzar grazed grass like a beast of the field, and I'll bet he was one of the lucky ones enjoying pastoral peace and quiet, which the unlucky ones will soon only dream of. In the world that's being made into a cage around you, if they want you to die, you'll want to die more than they want you to. If you trust government today, trust Musk, the CDC, and Trump, and don't have that self protective instinct that causes your gut to clench when you think about these things, and you don't pull back from this precipice, I'll miss you when you're gone. I really mean that, especially those of you that disagree with me and present rational arguments criticizing my ideas and beliefs. I depend on you to set me straight when I'm off course, to correct me when I'm wrong, and I need you to keep me reasonable and factually correct. Do that now. Please, please prove me wrong.

    Please stay out of the traps they're setting for us. Stay here, human, with your toes in the grass, and point out how wrong I am, and how to be right, so you can set me straight.

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