Starting a New Corporate Job

in life •  4 months ago

    I have been a bit quiet on HIVE recently, and for good reason. There is a bit going on in my Meatspace at the moment so I haven’t really had the time to push out any posts to let people know what I am up to. Today is just a quick one to let those who still read my blog know that I’ve started a new job. I’m not super happy about it, but it is what it is…

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    Over the last couple of years I’ve been selling a lot of my Crypto to pay for my families new home and then subsequently fund the lifestyles that we’ve all become accustomed to. There’s nothing too outrageous there, but with cost of living pressures here in Australia it isn’t getting any easier to stay on top of the bills and I am sick of selling off my Crypto to pay them. I want to be buying Crypto instead but I don’t have the Cashflow. Hopefully this new job will fix that little problem...

    It’s a Work-From-Home gig, which is good since I moved out of the city years ago. The pay is fairly decent and the hours are flexible so that’s a bonus too...however, it is back in the Corporate Development space working for "The Man" whom I thought I’d left behind years ago. The Technology Stack being used I haven’t really worked on for 9+ years and things move pretty fast in the technology space so my skills and experience are a bit out of date.

    That means I need some Runway to get up to speed, but the project I’ve been airdropped into has a hard deadline looming and the Tech Lead is going on holiday in a week for the final stretch of the project (Yes, this is a red flag). The stakes are kind of high, so this project could easily go pear-shaped and I have been wondering if I might have just jumped into the fire here. Time will tell, but I'm unlikely to be a happy camper in the short term.

    As for HIVE I am still invested here and will be trying to stay on top of developments and also support the services I’ve been running. I just might need to slink back into the background for a bit while I get re-adjusted.

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