The Journey of Life

in life •  2 months ago

    Today I am feeling a little bit overwhelmed about my life. In the last few days these thoughts are constantly on my mind about how my life has shaped up and it makes me so very emotional. I was not born with a silver spoon, rather I can say I was born with no spoon at all forget the silver one. My childhood was extremely painful and difficult in every way. My financial condition was never that great. Yes, I did have some blessings of the Almighty and I cannot say that I was poor but I did struggle with my finances in the society that I lived.

    Today with God's grace I have all that I ever desired in life, even the things that at one point of time only felt like a dream. When I got married me and hubby were very ambitious. Both of us wanted a very good life, we were not wanting to settle down being just satisfied with what we had. We always had bigger dreams then our capacity. At the same time we never expected our dreams to fulfill magically, we knew we had to work very hard for it.

    We had made our goals of the big things to achieve in life, in which having a bungalow of our own in some place which is cut off from city life was also included. The big places that we wanted to travel to was another major goal of our life. To give good education to our Son. Having a charity institution of our own where we could support the deprived one. All of these the big goals of our life are now almost fulfilled. 28 years we both worked to achieve them.


    The most proud I feel is now when we have been able to build our dream home. It was our first ever goal in life, which took 28 years to fulfill. We did not want to take any loan, or any other financial help. We wanted to do it all by ourself, we did not even want to compromise on the making of it. So we waited till we were fully ready. It took longer then we expected, after all we are salaried people and there is a limited money flow with unlimited expenses.

    Every success comes with a story behind it and we have a long one of all our struggle times. I will also want to share one big habit of my life. I love to manifest, and I strongly believe in the powers of it. Since the time I have been very young I have had this habit of manifesting my desires while going to bed. Just before I sleep I visualize what I want in life as if its already happened. Like I want to be a millionaire, and I keep visualizing that I already have this money and how I am using it, with the money what all I am doing in life, as if all of it is real. My hubby and sister laughs at me at times, but I know it's working. Because for a person with my background all that I have achieved seems to be all very unreal. I feel these manifestations are my magic wand. And my prayers which gives me strength to think and act positive all the time.

    There is so much more to write on this but keeping it now short, I will like to say that nothing is impossible when you have your goals well defined and you put a proper action plan to achieve them. Luck is a small part of life. What we say miracles are sometimes the results of our own thoughts.

    Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸



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