Life updates: moving, new home & our happy little big Florecita

in life •  5 months ago

    Hey there my Hive friends and followers!

    So many of you keep asking me how we are faring, how we are handling our new role as parents and how our little princess Flora is doing. That´s really nice of you guys, than you so much for thinking of us. Finally, I made myself find a little free slot in our crazy schedule to write this little update on our current situation.

    As some of you know, there have been some extra challenges and stress for us lately since we moved places. Before our daughter was born, me and my wife were living the carefree life of digital nomads for more than a decade so moving from one place to another was something very natural and easy for us, even when it included switching between countries or even continents :)

    This time, however, everything was so different and so much harder! Unlike in the past when we traveled just with our backpacks or little suitcases, we had to rent a whole truck to move our stuff (most of which was Florecita´s of course :D) from Prague back to my hometown. There was also a lot of flickering back and forth between the two cities for me as there was a lot to take care of before the move itself.

    Eventually, once the stuff was moved, it was time to transport the most precious load - my wife and my daughter. For various reasons, the only possible mean of transport was the car so let me just say that the final drive with all of us in one vehicle, on the frozen slippery roads, was the ultimate challenge but after long 7 hours (our country is very small but we had to take many breaks), we all made it to our new home. And where is that? In my hometown - a charming historic city called Opava.


    A quick snap of the Opava Town Hall that I took a few days ago. Hopefully, more pictures coming soon...

    I grew up in this city and love it here. That´s also were I feel home the most. I say the most because it kind of felt like home in many places around the world where we lived too but to me, this is like the "most homest home" :) Opava is a really beautiful city and I cannot wait to go for a proper photo tour to show you guys but guess what... yeah... free time has been an incredibly scarce commodity in my life lately. Le sigh.

    But back to our new home. We have been here for some two weeks already, slowly adjusting everything to our liking. We rented a very nice apartment in a quiet suburban neighborhood, almost brand new, very modern. We would never be able to afford to rent such an apartment back in Prague, I mean unless Hive did a 20x or unless I joined the corporate rate race over there, which is something I would really hate to do :)

    So yeah, I´m really glad to be back in my hometown after all those years and I like our new apartment very much. Too bad not everyone in our little family is so excited about the move but that´s another story and I don´t want to get too personal...

    Now a few lines about our little princess aka Florecita, Florinka, Florisek etc. She has been absolutely amazing. She is currently 3.5 months old so she is not that tiny baby anymore! She already sleeps like an adult in the night (usually at least 7 or 8 hours straight without waking up - I know - we are blessed!) and during the day, she is so much fun to be around! She keeps smiling, laughing, babbling, making noises, grabbing at things etc. We know each other much better than we did in the first weeks when parenting felt so incredibly hard and exhausting. Now, we can definitely find some joy in it too and it does feel like it will only get better with time :)



    Tomorrow, we are taking Flora for her first hexa vaccine so after that, we should be able to finally start socializing her. I have a couple of friends here in Opava who have babies of similar age and I cannot wait to see Florecita meet them :) We are also looking forward to introducing her to her sweet Venezuelan/Polish friend Olivia who has been waiting for the encounter back in Sosnowiec with her lovely parents and our friends Eva and Pawel - ¿Estoy en lo cierto, @evelynchacin? :)

    So that´s it I guess, my little free time slot is up. Thank you guys so much again for all your kind thoughts, words and wishes. It means a lot. I really wish I had more time for Hive to engage like I did before but it is what it is...

    Hugs and greetings from all of us.

    This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


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