Plague of Sudden Deaths, Turbo Cancers, and Serious Adverse Events Provably from Booster Shots Limits Uptake.

in life •  3 months ago

    Apparently all people are not totally true believers in whatever the official narrative is, as mere statistically probative association of sudden deaths, cardiovascular disease, turbo cancers, and several other serious adverse events with booster shots has reduced uptake to negligible amounts. Mere factual evidence has contradicted the relatively unchanged advocacy by the enemedia, medical associations, government agencies, and zealous karens from all walks of life, of booster jabs for whatever they're calling the common cold today.

    I find this significant. While the initial uptake of the jabs was very high, with some locales reporting 95+% of adults had received their mandated mRNA injections, the developing evidence from doctors, researchers, and actuaries that organic dissenters post on social media has strongly implicated the jabs in the above-mentioned conditions. There has been no factual disproof of these claims by official sources. Steve Kirsch provides survey data that remains almost completely unaddressed by the profiteers from the genocidal jabs. Tens of millions of people are claimed to have died globally, and estimates of the American dead exceed 500k. It doesn't matter that the medical industry may not be intentionally murdering these people, because even if the deaths are accidental, there are so many that the increase in death has become existential.

    Most national populations in the world are declining today. Only a few African countries are increasing in population without immigration being a factor. Of countries in the 'West', America is amongst the least declining in population - but that is only because of the catastrophic illegal invasion ongoing. If those tens of millions weren't streaming unchecked into the country, America's population would be declining dramatically. Incidentally, this suggests that in addition to killing people, existentially injuring and disabling them, the jabs are sterilizing people in vast numbers. There has been recent evidence provided that the mRNA payloads in the jabs that direct the manufacture of toxic spike protein, believed to be the cause of all the injury, disease, and death caused by the jabs, are genetically transcribed into human DNA.

    Not only does the pseudouridated mRNA last longer because uridine has been replaced with pseudouridine that the human body does not recycle normally as it does uridine, but if the instructions are being incorporated into cellular DNA and expressed, then the manufacture of spike proteins is becoming a permanent feature of altered cells. This will cause the potential adverse events, cancers, and deaths to be continually supplied with cause to occur, rather than merely the initial introduction of malefic mRNA payloads in the jabs, and not merely extended indefinitely by the pseudouridication of the mRNA, but also permanently ongoing.

    Worst of all, the LNP's (Lipid NanoParticles) in which the mRNA payloads are carried were shown to accumulate in the ovaries and testes as early as 2012. If the mRNA is being transcribed into cellular DNA, and the mRNA is being concentrated in the ovaries by the LNP's, the chances of germ cells, sperm and eggs, being altered with the instructions to manufacture spike protein is greatly increased.

    Judicial Watch has received documents from Pfizer that reveal LNP's do concentrate in different tissues, including ovaries, testes, lymph glands, and the liver.

    "Over 48 hours, the LNP distributed mainly to liver, adrenal glands, spleen, and ovaries, with maximum concentrations observed at 8-48 hours post-dose. Total recovery (% of injected dose) of LNP, for combined male and female animals, outside of the injection site was greatest in the liver (up to 18%)..."

    Pfizer et al. notoriously did not perform any of the studies that would have ascertained if these medical devices were safe. In this paper several types of research investigating a wide variety of potential hazards were explicitly denied by Pfizer.

    "No safety pharmacology studies were conducted with BNT162b2...

    ""Nonclinical studies evaluating pharmacodynamic drug interactions with BNT162b2 were not conducted..."

    Judicial Watch notes that:

    "The report declares that no safety studies were performed to learn how the components of the "vaccine" affect the biological systems and how the test subject responds to the drug."

    In fact, despite the WHO guidelines stating: "...a pharmacodynamic study for a vaccine product is generally conducted to evaluate the immunogenicity." and "...the parameters set out in this section are considered the minimum necessary for a safety assessment prior to the initiation of clinical trials in humans..." Pfizer wrote "No safety pharmacology studies were conducted with BNT162b2 [the BioNTech vaccine] as they are not considered necessary for the development of vaccines according to the WHO guideline..."

    Pfizer knew they were subjecting people to unknown risk.

    IMG source -

    "“This is real-time data that we are generating. We don’t even know when we started vaccinating people. We had no idea how it’s going to look like,” said Gill.

    “MRNA vaccines have been there for 50 years, but nothing made to clinical. Why? Because mRNA vaccines have been known to have side effects,” she added.

    “Moderna has been working on it for ten years. This is not a new thing. But why it did not reach trial was because of all these side effects. Pfizer and Moderna used the emergency and the pandemic to kind of get through it now. But even the CDC model never gets FDA,”

    Gill made these statement on recordings secretly made by Justin Leslie, a former operative with Project Veritas and O’Keefe Media Group, and a scientist previously involved in vaccine formulation at Pfizer.

    While actual intent to murder the test subjects Pfizer inflicted their jabs on may be hard to establish, their blatant disregard for the truth and the safety of their experimental test subjects certainly rises to an actionable level of gross negligence. The fact that they lied about WHO guidelines reveals they were fully aware they should have conducted such safety tests, not merely nescient and conceited. Their negligence was committed with demonstrable intent to disregard safety standards and the health and well being of their test subjects. This is why tens of millions of people have died, and many millions more are horrifically injured.

    However, Pfizer knew by January 2021 that the jabs caused infertility and foetal abnormalities. So did the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), because that's who Pfizer delivered that report to. Then they recommended it to pregnant women.

    Dr. Peter McCullough and others have recently shown that the jabbed are shedding something that causes adverse reactions in unjabbed people that interact with them closely. The jabbed are exhaling, sweating, and otherwise releasing some toxic particle(s) they have received in the jabs. It is not yet established what is shed. It may be the spike protein. However, it is entirely possible that they are shedding LNP's that their immune systems have transformed into exosomes to enable them to be removed from the body. If they are shedding only spike protein, that can be causing the adverse events in unjabbed people exposed to those spike proteins. But if they are shedding mRNA encapsulated in exosomes or LNP's, the unjabbed could be being exposed to the original mRNA payloads of the jabs themselves, and that could be causing their adverse reactions.

    This exposure to the mRNA is just as hazardous for those that are exposed to it via shedding as it is to those that were injected with it, although it would be difficult to establish what dosage they were receiving. However, their sperm and eggs could be altered by the mRNA transcription even though they weren't jabbed. This is an existential threat to humanity, if even the unjabbed are genetically altered and rendered infertile by particles the jabbed shed on them.

    As of today these toxic jabs that were released on the public by deliberately lying about their safety are still being sold and injected into hapless victims, perhaps creating even more victims than they're being jabbed in despite those others refusing to be injected with these bioweapons. Since we don't know what is being shed into those that have refused the injections, we cannot characterize the actual risk of extinction humanity is facing today. However, the fact that these jabs present an unknown level of risk of extinction of humanity requires their IMMEDIATE removal from the market. The gross negligence that has created and exposed humanity to some risk of extinction needs addressing through prosecution of Pfizer and other parties that have deliberately lied and inflicted these poisons on us, and execution of just sanctions for the worst criminal harms that are possible to inflict on all humanity, because that's what the threat of extinction is.

    Additionally, we need to find out what is being shed, and assess what actual damage is done to the fertility of both the jabbed and unjabbed, right now. We need to find out who is still fertile, if fertile human offspring can be kept genetically unmodified, and ensure humanity is not extinguished like the dinosaurs by Pfizer's experimental genetic therapy device, BNT162b2. If we can. We owe it to every human being that has ever lived, that has ever struggled to have and raise their children in a hostile world. We owe their posterity a future.

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