Cannibals Protest Biden's Claim They Ate His Uncle. They '...Don't Just Eat Any White Men That Fall Out of the Sky.'

in life •  2 months ago

    Quite Frankly posts a brief discussion about tribes in Papua New Guinea that disclaim the accusation they ate Pretendent Biden's uncle Bozey, 2nd Lt. Ambrose J. Finnegan Jr., in WWII after his plane was shot down.

    "According to the Pentagon’s Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, Biden’s uncle died on 14 May 1944, while a passenger on an A-20 havoc aircraft that departed Momote Airfield, Los Negros Island, bound for Nadzab airfield, New Guinea.

    “For unknown reasons, this plane was forced to ditch in the ocean off the north coast of New Guinea,” the agency says. “Both engines failed at low altitude, and the aircraft’s nose hit the water hard. Three men failed to emerge from the sinking wreck and were lost in the crash. One crew member survived and was rescued by a passing barge. An aerial search the next day found no trace of the missing aircraft or the lost crew members.”

    BidenSniffingPapua.jpgIMG source -

    In an unrelated story, sharks protest the insinuation they ate Joe Biden's uncle, pointing out they have standards too. Also, Chabad Lubavitch said that if he'd fallen into the New York City Sewers he'd have been fair game, but a Biden relation would probably hold his own in the sewers.

    Sewer Jews Emerge Across the Street from a Preschool.

    Why were these mattresses in the tunnels under the Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters in New York City stained with blood?

    This is what Brave serves up if you search the term in quotes: The “Bloody Biden Vampire” refers to a newly discovered fossilized vampire squid species named Syllipsimopodi bideni, which was discovered in Montana. This ancient creature lived around 328 million years ago and was named after President Joe Biden in recognition of their close personal friendship, back in the day.-- AI-generated answer. Please verify critical facts.

    Boeing has changed. Safair Boeing 737 Wheel Falls Off After Take Off. A Boeing spokesperson noted their planned obsolescence program was performing better than expected. Boeing also has a Loli that has been with the Boeing Starliner team for all six of their years, expects to strap Suni and Butch in and give them a kiss before launching them into space on an Atlas rocket.

    “We’re finally there,” Loli said...“It’s a mix of emotion. We were talking today about the first roll out (of Starliner) we saw, and it was like ‘wow, this is crazy. We’ve seen the first vehicle rolling out and now we see CFT (Crew Flight Test) with Butch and Suni there. Wow, finally, they’re going to launch into space’”.

    “We’ve known Butch and Suni for over six years. I remember when we first started we were both like ‘wow, that’s an astronaut’,” said Loli.

    “As time progressed, we’re like ‘Oh, it’s Suni and Butch. They’re probably going to make us do something, so let’s go hide.’”

    “I’ve been interacting with them for years.”

    "While the liftoff will be exciting, Loli said true satisfaction will come when they see Williams and Wilmore come back safely from this milestone flight." They will then lock themselves in quarantine together for weeks.

    The Boeing Starliner doesn't plan to land on it's wheels (wheels are apparently dangerous), but will descend suspended from three parachutes. Safety first!

    Is it just me, or have things turned a corner? We've fallen off the edge and are now plunging to our doom. Were there times in history when everything just got weird beyond belief, and nothing seemed real anymore?

    Congress just threw another ~$60B into the bottomless maw of the Ukraine war, so the CIA asked Zelensky to please stop stealing so much. Biden revises Title IX so that biological women no longer have separate sports and facilities.

    IMG source - @theouterlight

    Maybe when Justinian took Theodora as the Empress of Byzantium? Then the Khazarian empire was in a similar role to Chabad Lubavitch today, the power behind the throne, and similar sexual degeneracy was rampant, including all the major flavors we see today, LGBTQIP+ and all. Interestingly, AshkeNazi Jews that comprise the majority of Jews today, and particularly Chabad Lubavitch, are mostly descended from Khazars that converted to Judaism en masse in the 9th Century.

    The scenario described by Ed @theouterlight reminds me of the trope from WWII movies in which villainous Nazi torturers would tell their hapless captives 'Ve have Vays to make you talk.' Now we just have to add 'Say ze pronouns!'.

    As goes Gaza so goes the world. Iran seems to have distracted Israel from genociding the Palestinians, at least temporarily, but there's at least 100k casualties, and more than 30k dead. Chabad Lubavitch doesn't even particularly hate Palestinians. They consider them Goyim, like the rest of us that aren't Jews. What they're doing in Gaza they want to do to the rest of the world. The Zohar prophecies it.

    This isn't insanity. It's chaos. Chaos is a ladder. We're being guided globally into the chute to an abbatoir that we will beg to get out of at any cost. Congress has just granted the USG the authority to ban any website or platform, to use any commercial business in America to collect information and surveil us, and Hawaii's Supreme Court has ruled that the spirit of Aloha overrules the Second Amendment. This world order isn't dying. It's being killed so the NWO can take over. If they succeed it's not going to be pretty. It's going to be Gaza globally, in your home town. That's what they want.

    The key to their power is our dependence on them. Kissinger explained how it works. “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” We don't have to be controlled. There's going to be people that don't take any action to secure themselves from that control. Normalcy bias will take a billion lives. Act to secure basic necessities by your own efforts, so that no one you depend on can betray you. It's illegal in many places to collect rain water. They're going to make it illegal to grow your own food, too. They're going to make it illegal to live, but you're going to have to live anyway, and you'll need food and water to do it. They will find it easiest to kill and enslave you if you're unarmed, cold, hungry, naked, alone, and sick. If you want to live when they want you to die you'll need to make sure that you are warmly clothed, well fed and healthy, well armed and in good company.

    Their primary weapon is treachery. They bribe and blackmail politicians, bureaucrats, and cops. The intelligence agencies are their minions. Police agencies are their thugs. Politicians are their traitors, as the recent US Congress's actions demonstrate. We have to make our necessities ourselves, so that they can't bribe or blackmail anyone we depend on and render us vulnerable. When we can prevent being reduced to starvation and penury, we can work together to secure our homes and families.

    We'll need to work together, because ~20M invaders have been brought into the USA to disrupt it, more than 300k have been flown in specially by the USG to ~43 secret locations. That's a lot of enemies of the people. Somehow people step over the litter box for the furries in the public bathrooms and don't realize this can't last. Somehow they maintain the illusion that things are fine, and they're going to keep on being fine, despite the utterly blatant Communist takeover of America, revealed in every tent city under the overpasses, in the parks, on downtown streets. And not just America, but the West, England, France, Germany, all of Europe is in the clutches of Communists and Nazis, police states that are surveilling and censoring us all.

    It's not going to be ok. It's bad and getting worse. In Mexico they're assassinating local political candidates right and left, I think >70 so far this year. If the numbers reported here are accurate, that could be low by about half. That assassination rate isn't yet happening in the USA, Europe, or even most tinpot dictatorships, but strong oppression of opposition candidates is, across the board from the USA on down.

    You have to prepare to live if you want to live. Grow food. Prepare to grow food secretly, so they can't take your food from you. Get some solar panels, LED light strips, and grow in your crawl space under your house, or in closets, or the spare bedroom, your garage, wherever you can. Get armed, but don't just get guns and ammo. Research modern technology and microwave, laser, sonic, and other weapons that can be applied against gangs of armed thugs, to stop them from getting to you. Look at signal jammers and EW mechanisms to disrupt drones so they can't use robots after you fend off the gangs. Maybe have some drones yourself. Most important of all, get to know some good people that can do these things too. Having someone to guard your back is the most important survival asset you can get.

    BTC or gold won't buy food when there isn't any. When the whole world has been flattened like Bakhmut or Gaza, who will bring in supplies? There will be no one to send any, because no one will have any. Unless you grow it yourself, and are growing it when the hammer falls. It takes time to grow food, and you'll starve to death waiting for some potatoes, turnips, or beets to grow. You have to be growing before the deliveries stop. You can grow catfish or crawdads in a 55 gallon drum you feed table scraps. You can use a bucket to take their waste water to hydroponically feed food crops that clean the water so you can drain it back to the 55 gallon drum. Aquaponics doesn't have to be fancy, but adding a pump or an aquarium bubbler to automate the hydroponic feeding will help, and LED lights may be necessary, depending on how hard they try to prevent people from growing food and how well hidden your grow has to be.

    Err on the side of well hidden. Err on the side of excess capacity. Vet your friends well. Make sure you have good friends that will have your back. Nothing will destroy everything more quickly or completely than being betrayed.

    If we prepare well, work together, and work smart, we'll prevent the NWO from killing or enslaving us, and it's coming. Certain sure, and it's coming. This chaos isn't accidental, stupidity, or temporary. It's directed, purposeful, and going to get terminally worse. When the war gets going in earnest, there's going to be a draft.

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    Not just Poland, but Germany and the rest of the EU is getting tired of feeding and supporting Ukrainian men that fled the Ukraine when the war broke out, because they want Ukrainian men dying in trenches. Soon enough they'll want the rest of men too. The Ukraine has sent pregnant women to the front lines already. We're going to need strong networks to defeat the snitches and press gangs. Make strong networks.

    Things are off the chain. They're too weird to be ok, too far gone to get back to normal. Be exceptional and survive the coming catastrophe most people won't.

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