The Real Climate Emergency

in life •  3 months ago

    There is a real climate emergency. It is a global crisis. It is killing people right and left, in droves, and of all ages. It is a threat to everyone, strong and weak alike, rich and poor, old and young, black and white, and it will leave none of us unscathed. But it is not a crisis of weather.

    It is a crisis of tyranny. It is the political climate that has killed tens of millions of us, and threatens us all. Dire corruption has pervaded all the halls of power. Dark shadows of perfidy lurk behind every throne. Evil incarnate has taken heart, and thirsts for nothing as much as our innocent, our naive, our gentle, happy, and sweet children. Fiends want to rape them, inject them with poison, starve them to death, and leave their corpses dead in the streets. Genocidal democracies, republics, and monarchies alike are all possessed by this ubiquitous demonic spirit that will destroy all that is good and holy, if we let it.

    There are no heroes coming to save us. No messiahs, no hordes of angels coming from on high, blowing trumpets. We are the only saviours we can count on, that our children, our families, friends, and communities - our whole beautiful world, all the verdant life and lustrous art, all the meaningful history, culture, and evolution that has come before, and everything and everyone to come after us depends on us, today.

    If we fail it all comes to nothing. If it has any meaning, we will take it and pass it on to a future just as meaningful, just as free and vibrant as anything that has ever come before.

    We can observe in our national histories that heroes have stood up, to tyrants with fearsome armies, and led our determined peoples to victory before. Terrible cataclysms have wracked our nations, and our peoples have come together and rebuilt them, better than before. Plagues, famines, inquisitions, and wars have collapsed polities, destroyed cities, left our forefathers starving in the dust, and our nations have risen by their will and work back to shining cities on hills we are rightfully proud of.

    We are not lesser people than those that have come before us. Their blood pumps in our veins. To us they have left their strength, their skills and knowledge, their might, and power. We are the sons and daughters of the best of humanity, of the survivors of every terrible calamity that has ever befallen. On us they have pinned their only hope. We are the champions they have sent, and on whom our children, all humanity and life itself, depend for their lives and felicity. We are the mighty wall that stands between death and survival, inheritors of all that has ever been and forebears of everything that will ever be. Our hands hold every blessing, every strength, all that is sacred, pure, and wholesome.

    It is all ours today, given to us by our ancestors and owed to our posterity.

    We will not fail.

    Larcenous swindlers have usurped our trusted financial institutions, through horrific extortion using children as sex slaves to blackmail our politicians. JP Morgan has paid a fine for trafficking children using Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell as pimps and racketeers to extort our politicians. Jamie Dimon and his vile ilk running these banks have devised cruel inflation to rob us of our inheritance, to steal the very nations our forefathers died to set free with their life's blood, with usury and churning money printers until we cannot buy a home on the land stained with the blood of our ancestors.

    The merciful medical industry and benevolent hospitals that were created to succor us when we are ill, to heal us when we are injured, and tend to our wounds, have been taken over by bean counters, insurance companies, and Big Pharma pseudoscience and turned into slaughterhouses where we can be experimented on for profit, where psychological abuse has become a science, where they demand our foreskins and foetuses, castrate and neuter our children, and medically assist us in dying when they're tired of testing us to destruction.

    The miraculous bounty of our farms is under attack. Venal corporations buy up family farms, transform ecologically beneficial food production into chemically saturated lab-created bug factories, whose ultra-processed simulated ersatz food adjacent products cause malnutrition, obesity, and cancer. Bill Gates is the biggest private landowner in the USA today, and he's intent on producing fake meat, milk, and eggs, out of bugs and chemicals. He's also been deeply involved in the plandemic, and has been indicted for murder in India for pushing bad jabs on little kids that horribly injured and killed them.

    Lying media, CNN and CNBC, Fakebook and Twatter, all propagandists deceiving us, for their owners like George Soros, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk that profit from our ignorance, stealing what they hide from us we don't even know we have. Any of these things I mention you didn't know about they have lied to hide from you, and are why I spend ~16 hours a day, every day, searching for the facts brave heroes risk their lives and freedom, like Julian Assange, Bradly Manning, and Ed Snowden, to tell us.

    All of this has been usurped through criminal corruption, by bribery and blackmail, Chabad Lubavitch using children kept in tunnels under it's NYC World Headquarters to extort the NYC cops, local, state, and federal politicians in America, Europe, and the whole world. We saw the bloody mattresses and saw how the cops immediately filled the tunnels with concrete without any investigation. It is obvious why all the candidates for President are Zionists, why AIPAC runs Congress, the FBI, CIA, and FDA are all utterly corrupt and serving not the American people, but Israel, Mossad, and the WEF, why Epstein wormed his way into academia, why Hollywood is pedo central and was ruled by Weinstein, why Biden pays for the genocide in Gaza, why Chuck Shumer and John McConnell chortle with glee at the genocide in the Ukraine.


    We see why Putin and the Pope both wear funny hats, why the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Corruption. Blackmail. Racketeering, fraud, and bribery run the world, and create the criminal climate hell bent, literally, on turning Earth into a global totalitarian technocratic tyranny that will rape and torture children for fun and profit until we're all dead. Over and over again in history we see revolutions, politicians hanged, empires fallen, and the world remade. We can see why, today, in the intolerable corruption and dirty dealing that delivers the wealth of the world to the worst, most vile creatures that can walk on two legs and speak like men. People like Ursula Von Der Leyen, being sued for the content of the secret negotiations between her and Pfizer that preceded the poisoning of the EU with the jabs. People like Benjamin Netanyahu, whom eradicates the Palestinian people today, and turned Israel into a medical experiment for Pfizer.

    I don't have to point them out. Plenty of whistle blowers do that already. We have despaired of being free of them, and line up to support one faction or another out of desperation to avoid the worst of them. But I tell you the lesser evil is never good.

    We can't support evil and live. We need to DO what is good. We don't need to vote for a Zionist for President. That will make pretense to do the right thing, but keep the evil system that put them in power fully in charge. We don't need an FBI, a CIA, or the FDA. We don't need a Congress, or a federal government. We don't need the UN, the WHO, corrupt Fed, national banks, or inflation. We can just agree to all new ways of doing things, just as people always have since there've been people. That's how we got all these things to begin with.

    People made these things up. They're not cast in stone. They're new ways of doing things we tried recently, and it turns out they're not working because they let corruption in AGAIN, so we need to do what people always have to do when everything turns to shit and criminals try to take over the world. We need to hang the criminals and start over. Or do we? After all, revolutions have never worked before. They're always captured by the same ilk, the same class of psychopathic criminals we're facing now.

    We have a new tool today we didn't have 100 years, or 1000 years, or 100,000 years ago. During all that time, from the Stone age to the Space age, the only way we could organize production of the blessings of civilization was through centralization. By creating a hierarchy with a boss at the top and lots of workers under them to do all the work that needed doing to create those blessings. Yuval Harari points it out himself, that today we don't need such hierarchy, don't need corporations to make the blessings. We have automation. Harari says all those workers are 'useless eaters'.

    He means you and me.

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    But that's not really true. We really don't need the boss at the top of the hierarchy. We don't need the hierarchy. Turns out that automated means of production tend to be table top tools. You can grow your food with a fountain in your living room where you raise catfish, tilapia, and crawdads whose waste is used to feed the beautiful solarium garden in your sunny window where your lettuce, tomatoes, and basil grow. Sounds much better than packets of cricket powder to me. You can own a 3D printer today for the price of a nice lunch out with family. You can make plates and cutlery, lamp shades and chair legs, and print circuits on recycled PET beverage containers to make LEDs, cameras, monitors, data storage devices, solar panels, and every kind of household product that doesn't need motors or metals, with an inexpensive, entry level 3D printer. For metal printing you need a better printer in a shop that can withstand the higher temperatures metals are printed at, and that's more expensive. They do exist, and we can afford them, once we get all the money back from the evil crooks that stole it. 3D printers are used to make spacecraft today, so they can make shovels, rain gutters, and flying cars just fine. Homes need foundations, and it turns out that concrete and lamp black make a supercapacitor, so your home's foundation can also be it's power storage device. There's CNC machines, laser cutters, Cricut (for clothes), and more - table top tools to make everything we need for civil society we today enjoy, and better yet to come. Every household on Earth, and everywhere else, can have these tools, starting today.

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    We will all own these means of production ourselves. Overlords are the useless eaters, and the psychopathic corrupters are worse, holding us back from rational development, personal liberty, and meritocratic prosperity. Now, Yuval Harari didn't mention the boss was really the useless eater, or that Zionazis like him have corrupted national governments of the world and are the reason we don't have these things now, because he and they want to get rid of us and take everything we own.

    Given the decentralization of means of production today available, the overlords and evil bastards of the world have no need to steal and corrupt everything anymore. They can just automate production and make the blessings of civilization themselves. If they genocide us all, they'll have to do that anyway.

    So, why do they lie and cheat and steal to genocide us? Because they're mad as hatters. They WANT to destroy all that is good and holy. They WANT to kill us all. They don't need our stuff. We're not taking anything they need. There aren't too many of us. That's all BS. They're just evil madmen that are able to use hierarchies to impose oppressive tyranny, and that's all they know how to do. If they succeed at genociding good people they're not going to become all nice and goody two shoes and build a prosperous free society that colonizes the galaxy. They'll keep on being evil and destroying each other until there's only one destroyer left, and that will be the end of humanity, and maybe life itself.

    The only way to the happy ending where there's a free and prosperous society enjoying the blessings of civilization into the foreseeable future is if we stop them from conquering the world and killing us all. Only we will make the free and prosperous society, because only we aren't murderous psychopaths. They are murderous psychopaths. They're the baddies, and they can only destroy and oppress. That's all they do. They're the useless eaters, and worse, and we're the necessary builders of free and prosperous society, because that's what we do. That's what we've always done, even before the first furrow was plowed and industrial agriculture made centralization possible. Before then we had free and egalitarian society, because we're free and egalitarian people. Not until we invented agriculture were psychopathic overlords able to conquer us, and now that we've invented decentralized table top means of production, centralized hierarchy to conquer and parasitize is no longer necessary. It's not even competitive. We won't soak our food in poison, destroy natural habitat growing food in our living rooms, or dump chemicals in the water to turn the frogs gay. We'll make much better food in much better ways than Monsanto does.

    We are not only the heroes we need, we need to be the heroes we are, that save us from evil, so that humanity, and possibly even life itself, can continue into the foreseeable future at all. We've seen what evil men can do on Earth with the tools and weapons available, and sooner or later evil bastards will destroy everything trying to kill each other off and become the supreme overlord of all. We need to eliminate their power to do that, and decentralizing production is how to eliminate their power to parasitize us. When we make our own fork, or sandwich, or flying motorcycle, no overlord gets a cut. There's no taxable event. No middlemen, no shipping cost, no profit margin. We keep 100% of our production. Corporations, governments, and evil overlords are completely cut off, and they can only gain power over themselves by producing their own goods and services themselves.

    They're useless parasites, and it's time we quit feeding them.

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