When Spiritual Ego gets on us

in life •  4 months ago

    Spirituality is a continuous process that keeps happening within you. There is never a final destination to it, where you can say it's enough. On the path we keep evolving with the experiences of life. But when people start thinking that they are spiritually super then others around them, that is where the problem starts. This is an incident of a lady that I will like to share today. She has had a very rough past, separated from her husband, her daughter is also not with her and she has several health problems as well, her past has been very traumatic. She has been working on her healing process since the last few years and she has come a long way stabilizing herself. She has very good spiritual wisdom and one would like to sit and listen to her. She runs a nutrition company and promotes development of holistic health.

    In the last few months, there has been some changes that I am seeing in her. From the way she communicates and behaves with people around her it shows that she feels she is much superior then others. In her company she enforces her decisions on her employees which are not relevant to work because she feels she is uplifting them spiritually. If anyone refuses to obey her she gets nasty with them. For a small e.g. she wants all her employees to compulsory read a spiritual book everyday for 1 hour. If anyone shows disinterest then she gets annoyed with them. She keeps organizing something or the other over the weekends telling them that it is for their mental wellbeing and spiritual growth, but she forgets that weekends everyone wants to spend time with their families, so someone who does not attend, the impact shows on their work. She has started believing that she is responsible for the spiritual growth of her employees then be it by force also.


    What do you all think about this? I feel it's totally irrational. Everyone's spiritual journey is different and by forcing someone to read a book or attend a workshop that person is not going to become spiritual, rather they may want to turn away from it.

    My personal thought is that I feel the spiritual ego has taken over on her, she feels she is the superior one and now that's her responsibility to tame everyone. With all that she does with her employees, the result is that her staff is unhappy, there is a huge turnaround every month. Her employees do not feel secured in their job, and everyone is shit scared of her. No one dares to say anything to her or give her feedback, because if they would do that, it would mean loss of their job. At one point of time, I really looked up to her but now I feel disappointed the way she has moved ahead in her spiritual journey. There is no humbleness, no sense of gratitude, no compassion. All of these are only seen in her words but not in action. There is a dichotomy in her behavior.

    In this moment she is blinded by her spiritual ego and all that I wish is that she realizes this before she has a fall down.

    Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸



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