I poured gasoline instead of diesel | Story from the past. Part 2.

in life •  5 months ago


    Hello everyone and I hope you like my first part of the story, if you haven't read the first part then go (HERE) but now let's continue with story part 2.

    I wonder in my head how to tell her my nonsense and, craziest, how to ask her if she can lend me money for a full tank of diesel. It was definitely one of the most embarrassing moments I have ever experienced. With difficulty and a long face, I told Emma the situation and with a sweating forehead, asked her to lend me money. However, Emma took it all in peace and even announced with a smile on her face that she could pay. I appreciate the girl's positivity and the fact that she looked even happy to help. The next embarrassing moment, of course, was at the checkout, when a girl was standing next to me with a credit card and wanted to pay for 2l of gasoline and at the same time for a full tank of diesel. The salesperson looked at me very strangely but didn't ask me why I needed both gasoline and diesel in the middle of the summer.

    All the way to Madonna, I wasn't really in my skin. I think I felt like I was nervous and unsure. However, looking at Emma, she seemed to really enjoy the trip. She smiled, settled down very comfortably, ate almost all the M&M candy I had bought, and also felt good enough to be able to help me. Of course, I had promised to give her all the money back, but she seemed to enjoy the opportunity to help others and be helpful. Maybe he didn't even really worry about how quickly I would return the money.

    As it turned out, our adventures were not over, because there was still a common way back. I had visited my parents, my mother had given me money, And I visited my grandmother. My grandmothers seemed to have a much brighter impression for my car than on Emma, who had hardly noticed the car brand at all.

    On the way back, Grandpa, as is already the case in the Latvian countryside, poured one can of diesel into the tank, which farmers could get without excise duty. So I could go to Madonna again after Emma and maybe on the way back to Riga we will finally manage to have a cool conversation and in the end, I will get to invite her to a real date as well. I had washed the car again, as far as it was possible in the countryside with a garden hose, and went to the same place in Madona, where I had released Emma. I helped Emma load her bags and started the trip home. But after a few hundred meters the car started to gag and at the end, it stopped at all and I couldn't get to start the car. Madness! Didn't I need to be so unlucky in front of the girl again ?! So I was in a friend's car in Madona, where I didn't know anyone without Emma and had no idea what had happened and what to do next. Emma also offered to help this time, because there is a family friend nearby, whose service can also be opened on Sundays. So we were taken to a service, where one of Emma's friends came to work especially on Sunday to see what had happened to our carriage. One thing I can say is that in the countryside everyone is unexpectedly helpful. While looking at the car, we were taken back to Emma's house, where I had the first opportunity to meet Emma's parents. This, of course, is not the ideal way and time to meet a girl's parents. Especially if she's not your girl yet. Fortunately, two hours later Emma gets a call that the car was repaired and we could drive after it. The next question in my head was how much this repair will cost me… And will I be able to pay for it at all, or will I have to ask Emma to borrow again? My mother had given me money, but I didn't know if it would be enough.

    Oh, this fun student life, when you never knew exactly whether the money in your wallet and on the card would be enough for the current day.

    It turned out something small has entered in the fuel tank, which had blocked the fuel supply. It was definitely the fault of the fuel from the can in the countryside. The technician asked me only 25 euros, which I can pay myself and finally, we could go home.

    This was one super embarrassing weekend. However, despite this, I stopped at Emma's home and dared to invite her to the cinema. To my surprise, she immediately replied, “Okey, but I choose the movie. And this time, please, you will pay for everything!" She quickly got out of the car and entered her stairwell. I was still standing and, looking at the already closed door, I thought, how did I do it? The worst series of events led to a date? How does this happen? I turned on the music very loudly and thought again about everything I had experienced this weekend. Luckily I was more successful with Emma in the future, but I will be happy to tell you about that another time.

    Thanks for reading.
    Picture source: pexels.com

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