Balancing Freedom and Preparing for The Future

in liberalism •  5 months ago


    In our relentless pursuit of a better tomorrow, driven by lofty ideals and noble aspirations, we often find ourselves standing at the precipice of unintended consequences. It is a timeless conundrum, woven into the fabric of human history: how do we shape the world for the better without inadvertently sowing the seeds of tyranny?
    At the heart of this quandary lies the delicate dance between freedom and control, a dichotomy that permeates every facet of our existence. On one hand, we cherish the principles of individual autonomy and self-determination, valuing the ability to carve out our own destinies and pursue our dreams unfettered by external constraints. On the other hand, we recognize the need for collective action and centralized authority to address complex societal challenges and ensure the common good.

    Hidden but all around us.

    Yet, as we strive to strike this delicate balance, we must remain vigilant against the insidious creep of totalitarianism, a specter that haunts both the annals of history and the corridors of power. Too often, we fall prey to the temptation to attribute totalitarianism solely to certain groups or ideologies, failing to acknowledge its potential to emerge under different guises and amidst divergent ideological landscapes. Totalitarianism, it seems, knows no bounds, emerging wherever power is concentrated, and dissent is suppressed. In this essay, it is stated that certain traits that started in Germany are beginning to be unknowingly accepted in the United States and people do not even realize. Sadly, I think this statement. I agree with this statement and yet everyone seems okay with it, as if it does not even matter.
    Consider, for instance, the unexpected convergence of totalitarianism within socialist frameworks. While socialism, in theory, espouses ideals of equality and collective empowerment, in practice, it often culminates in the consolidation of power in the hands of a privileged few, leading to the erosion of individual freedoms and the stifling of dissenting voices. The allure of central planning, with its promises of economic stability and social equity, can swiftly devolve into a suffocating bureaucracy, where every aspect of life is meticulously controlled, and personal autonomy is sacrificed at the altar of the state.
    Moreover, the challenges inherent in planned systems are manifold, posing profound questions about the nature of economic freedom and the role of private property in safeguarding individual liberties. In a world where consensus is required for every decision and planners wield unchecked authority, the very essence of economic freedom— the ability to make choices and chart one's own course—is called into question. Without the protection afforded by private property rights, individuals risk becoming mere pawns in the game of centralized planning, stripped of their agency and subject to the whims of those in power.

    What we take for granted

    Like stated in the essay, I agree with the fact that we are lucky as U.S. citizens, since we have certain rights that other citizens in countries do not have. Our right to “private property is one of the most important guarantees to freedom”. This quote from the essay is something I think everyone takes for granted. Think about it, our private property gives us a sense of home, we get to protect our little slice of the world. We have the privilege to say that it our property. This means, for the most part, we can control what happens to and on our property. This is known as free will. From reading this essay, I believe the right to free will is one of the sole impacts of our life. We can physically do almost whatever we want, whether its morally right or not. But, there are always consequences to our actions which we have to think about.

    Liberal way of planning

    Something else that caught my attention in this essay was the paragraphs about “The Liberal Way of Planning”. This essay began talking about the possibility of economic planning, meaning everything is controlled from here on out. I do not agree with this statement because something are just uncontrollable or “inevitable.” But these paragraphs kind of expand on one of the ways of liberalism arguing for planning. It states that the liberal argument does not advocate for things as they are and attempts to create competition. This means, layman’s terms, liberals to not believe in the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” philosophy. From my personal experience, I lean more towards leaving things as be. At least from my personal experience, there are somethings I have worked on or messed with and found out, attempted to improve certain issues actually makes it worse. A simple example is in my free time I enjoy rebuilding motors. Now, sometimes it is best to rebuild a motor to make it work better, but there have been a motor or two I have worked on that because I took the motor apart, many other problems occurred, costing me more money, time, effort, etc. Once again I will state, there are times when improvement is needed but other times, it’s better to just leave things be.


    Amidst these challenges, there lies an opportunity for reflection and reevaluation—a chance to reexamine our assumptions and rethink our approach to governance. It is a call to action, urging us to embrace the messy complexities of freedom and responsibility, rather than succumb to the allure of centralized control. In the end, the true measure of progress lies not in the grand designs of planners or the dictates of the state, but in the freedom of the individual to chart their own course and shape their own destiny. It is a journey fraught with uncertainty and peril, but it is also a journey imbued with the promise of a brighter tomorrow—a tomorrow where freedom reigns supreme, and tyranny finds no foothold.


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