Israel wants to continue the war in the end

in leofinance •  2 months ago


    [Daily = Reporter Jeong In-gyun] The Palestinian militant terrorist group Hamas said it would accept the ceasefire proposed by the arbitration state, but Israel rejected it.
    According to the Israeli media outlet The Times of Israel, Hamas announced on the 6th (local time) that it would accept a ceasefire proposed by Egypt and Qatar as Israel tried to launch an attack on Rafa, a city in southern Gaza, where a large number of refugees were concentrated. However, Israel rejected the ceasefire, saying that Israel's position was not properly reflected, and then renewed its willingness to attack Rafa.
    The two sides reportedly split on the terms of a permanent ceasefire. According to the ceasefire proposal proposed by the arbitrators, Hamas must first release 33 Israeli hostages and Israel must also release Palestinian prisoners. After that, Israeli forces must partially withdraw from Gaza and allow Palestinian civilians to move to the north.
    The two sides planned to hold a second hostage exchange after a truce for about six weeks. Hamas promised the release of Israeli reservists and some military hostages while Israel promised the release of Palestinian prisoners. However, negotiations failed at the final stage, with Hamas proposing a permanent ceasefire. Israel offered Hamas a temporary ceasefire and said it would advance on Rafa after the hostage exchange had ended.
    "We have made significant concessions for the release of hostages and a temporary ceasefire, but Hamas is still rejecting the offer," Israeli Defense Minister Joab Gallant said. "We have no choice now. We will start attacking Rafa soon."

    a cease-fire negotiation that ultimately broke down

    Israel says it doesn't agree to a permanent ceasefire.

    I can only see it as a sign that I want to continue to carry out this slaughter.

    I doubt that this is an opportunity for territorial expansion.

    We look forward to the end of the war as soon as possible.

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