▲▲▲ HP UP ▲▲▲

in leofinance •  4 months ago

    ▲▲▲ HP UP ▲▲▲

    We are still increasing our HP , we have passed the 6300 ^ ^ , go towards the 7k , which we would really like to have , even more if possible , we will continue our efforts again and again .

    We will resume our curation from tonight , we are waiting for our vote mana to rise close to 100% sometimes letting the mana rise for 24H , can be very beneficial, to start correctly , and always do better .

    If some of you want to trust us and put automatic curation on our two main accounts @invest-time and @hive-103505 , to support us and help us climb higher and higher , on @invest-time, let’s say it’s a blogging account that writes about a bit of everything that comes to mind, but we always try to make quality posts whatever the subjects, sometimes it can be just our life , sometimes games, sometimes movies and series, in short, everything .

    On @hive-103505 , the account talks more often about numbers .

    We have 3 other partner projects that help us a lot to increase our HP

    @gestion.alive as who you can delegate ALIVE to and will send you as soon as it reaches a certain amount through its curation and publication gains , mainly does the activities of LARRY IS ALIVE the rest of the time .

    @token-thx to whom you can delegate BEE , and who will reward you with various and varied tokens according to its own returns ( the BEE generated serve to stabilize a project little by little we will talk about it when more in place some already actively participate and we thank them )

    And @benefice-net which does a little game every week, the game resumes tomorrow normally there it takes a mana break and tries to improve again and again .

    We also have other small partner accounts that help us by doing token curation , on CENT CINETV FUN LOLZ BRK BEE ALIVE NEOXIAN , we will try to have other partner accounts later .

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